How Much Does 360jeezy Make On YouTube

The Green Collar Revolution

The 21st Century is known as the Green Collar Era, many economists are using this term to describe the increasing number of jobs created responding to the new fields relating to the Green industry. The Green economy has been the main driving force to create jobs – and they are not constrained just for the technical people, I have used the same analogy as Internet boom to the Green industry – in fact, some have said that most jobs created will not be related to the technical jobs.

6G Pipe Welding: Why Does the Midwest US Need Steel Mills Making Pipe?

Two new steel mills have been built in the midwest to make pipe for all the oil flowing out of the midwest. The USA is awash in oil. We will be pulling it out at a faster pace soon. Why? It is our ticket out of our financial thicket. If you want a great career, consider pipe welding because demand is expanding fast.

4 Misconceptions About Being A Lawyer

How often to do you see one of the sleazy personal injury attorneys on the TV promising hundreds of thousands of dollars as your part of a settlement? Sometimes you read in the newspapers that a certain individual has received millions of dollars for spilling hot coffee on themselves from a fast food restaurant.

Temp Jobs Can Help Find Your Workplace Niche

Working a temp job in your field of expertise is an ideal way to learn about your particular field while being able to work without a long-term commitment to the employer. A temp job is often available because the employer has a vacant space in their operations caused by an employee being out for sick or maternity leave, working at an off-site work assignment, or the office as a whole experiencing an increase in work volume necessitating extra staff on a short-term basis. The resulting shortage in personnel is typically filled by temporary workers whose presence enables the office to perform its regular work on schedule without missing a beat.

What Are Your Job Options Exactly?

The emotional trauma can be intense when you find yourself out of a job. It does not matter whether you held the job for a month or 10 years. Getting fired or laid off is never fun.

Get Creative And Build Your Resume By Living Abroad

A September 2010 article in Harvard Business Review features research suggesting that people who have lived in more than one country or who identify with more than one nationality are better problem solvers and display more creativity. The article gives on example of an experiment where more than 200 MBA students at Northwestern’s Kellog School of Management were asked to solve something called the Duncker Candle Problem.

5 BIG Reasons To Start Your Career Abroad

I read an article recently on MonsterCollege ranking the 10 best cities for recent college grads to start their careers. Naturally, all 10 of the cities they listed were in the U.S.

Surgical Technologist Education Programs

Surgical technologists are an indispensable member of any surgical team. Their roles are varied, but these roles essentially revolve around providing quality and fast assistance to all the other members of the core surgical team, from the surgeon and surgical assistants, to the anesthesiologist and perioperative nurses. The path to this profession starts with good education.

Surgical Technology: Studying to Become a Surgical Tech

Surgical Technologists, also known as surgical technicians or surgical techs, have long been part of the allied medical profession that caters mostly to surgical assistance prior to, during, and after surgical procedures. They work closely with registered nurses, surgeons, and surgical assistants in ensuring that operations go smoothly from the time the patient is being prepared for surgery, up to the time when the surgical team finishes up the surgery.

How To Get A Bartending Job – 4 Ways To Guarantee You’re The Next Bartender To Be Hired

So you’re wondering how to get a bartending job. Obviously if you have previous bartending experience, it will be that much easier to get your next bartending gig. That being said, however, previous bartending experience does not guarantee anything. Follow these steps and you’ll be miles ahead of the competition.

How To Start A Career In The IT Field

Choosing to get a career in the field of IT (Information Technology) is a great idea. You may have heard good things about it, but you’re not sure how to do it and where to start? Read on!

Freelance Photographers: Why Are They Growing by the Number?

Freelance photographers are mushrooming in numbers. One reason could be the growing number of photo blogs and print and online lifestyle magazines. Another could be the accessibility and affordability of the equipment now. Lest we forget, the new opportunity to earn either as a full time or side line job is there.

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