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Explode Your Business With 4 Simple Words – Clarify – Qualify – Create – Expectation!

Stop money from slipping through your hands. 4 words that have built mega-million dollar relationships. Prospects and Customers will feel they need to do business with you. Understand that they are teaching you how to move them to the next level.

Job Leads Through Volunteering

It has been reported time and time again that the unemployment rate in the United States is at 7.6% up from 6.2% since November 2008 and climbing. Everybody is busy pumping out resumes and circulating on the conventional “networking” scene. You know the drill, posting resumes, attending networking events, attending all the job fairs in town, practicing your 30 second spill and making sure attire is up to interviewing par so you are ready to go at a moment’s notice; because you never know when you will get “the call” for that “BIG” interview.

Becoming a Driving Instructor – What’s in a Day’s Work?

For those looking to become a driving instructor, this article gives an insight into the day to day life in this job. It also provides some ideas of career opportunities for more experienced driving instructors.

Career and Financial Literacy

This article promotes the notion that financial literacy needs more than ever to be taught to students and that by using career development as the gateway there will be more student buy-in to such instruction. Career development can have areas of value other than what most would think.

Self-Employment Has It’s Plus Features

With all our fellow Americans losing their jobs these days…this article provides a summary of the self-employment picture. The truth is that self-employment has its good points.

CIA Jobs

So your interested in CIA jobs? Thanks to all the spy movies everyone wants a job in the CIA, you should know that the division that trains spies(clandestine service) is very small. Do not let that discourage you though, as long as you follow these steps you will have a decent chance at becoming a CIA agent.

Getting Into a Vending Machine Business

Are you thinking of entering into the vending business either as a service operator or as someone who will do the buying and selling of vending machines? Whichever path you choose, it is likely that you are getting yourself involved into vending machine distributorship.

Disaster Management – A Lucrative Nursing Career Option

Disaster Management is an emerging healthcare career which has seen a significant increase in demand the past years. The world has seen many devastating and catastrophic calamities and emergency situations in the last century from earthquakes to killer tornadoes, from droughts to floods, from wildfires and landslides to terrorist attacks, civil conflicts, wars and chemical spills, and many more.

10 Tips For Achieving Star Performance at Work

In this economy, people are looking for ways to stay employed or keep their customers coming back to seek their products or services. Rising above the crowd is of significant importance in an economy in which businesses are downsizing and consumers are cutting back spending. This article provides some strategic and tactical ideas that you can apply immediately to start moving towards becoming a super-star at work.

Career Planning Information – Changes

Career planning information is where you should be focusing if you are at all worried you may be getting that dreaded pink slip. If you do things right you will never miss a beat or lose any sleep.

How to – Employment Tips For the 21st Century

Getting a job is tough these days and writing a resume, preparing for an interview and finding vacancies are all difficult if you don’t know how to. Employment is also not the only thing you need to be thinking about. If you want to thrive in the recession.

Airflow (CFM) Determination of an Air-Source Heat Pump (ASHP)

This article provides technical information about air flow heat pumps, and how to determine the CFM. If you are a HVAC/R technician, you should always check any air-source heat pump (ASHP) for proper airflow across the coils when troubleshooting or during preventive maintenance.

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