The Key Ingredients for Becoming a Veterinarian
Many people would love to be a veterinarian as a professional career choice. However, although it may seem like a dream job, the competition is very high to get into veterinary studies.
6 Ways to Climb the Corporate LadderDo university and college graduates have the necessary business English skills to land a good job? If you answered, “yes,” I’m afraid, for the most part, you’re wrong. A recent Conference Board study reported that approximately 30% of employers rated new work force entrants with a 4-year college degree as deficient in written communication. Recently, a senior counselor at an alumni career centre at a major university told me that deficiency in English language skills is a real obstacle for many of their recent graduates. Many alumni were not getting job offers because their business English communication skills were so poor. She’d even had a prospective employer from a large financial institution complain about the cover letters they were receiving from graduates. They were so poorly written that the company couldn’t consider hiring any of these applicants. Here are My Top Tips for Improving Business English.
Dare To Let Your Dreams Guide YouAs a creative and spiritual entrepreneurial woman, you want to spend your time doing work that is creative, fulfilling and profitable. Letting your dreams guide you will help you know when you’ve found your true work. Here are 10 tips you can use to start your dream business and turn your passions into profits.
How Do I Improve My Chances of Finding a Job?Retraining to find work is an excellent choice for anyone who has been out of work for a long period of time. But what do you retrain as? The choice that you make when it comes to choosing a training course is quite important as the decision could affect your long term future.
5 Tips on Finding a MentorWe live in a small world these days, everyone is connected, and everyone is online. It is almost a guarantee that if there is someone you have been dying to meet, or connect with they are online. Not only that, but there are thousands of other people to connect with in the fields that you may need but have not had the opportunity to research in the Industry in need.
Find A Book About Small Business You Can TrustThere is little doubt that a lot of people looking over this article can use a couple of million dollars. Given the economic climate, high unemployment and the skyrocketing costs of food, gas and also other necessities of life, it’s little wonder why more cash would be needed by so many.
Do You Have a Job or a Career?As older kids, we were told that if we wanted something, we’d have to pay for it ourselves. That meant (ugh) actually doing something in order to get paid to buy it. This new foreign word, ‘work’ was seen by us as the loss of our childhood, our first peek into the beginning of adulthood and something only old people did.
General Qualifications on Having a Respiratory Therapist JobTrying to consider a respiratory therapist as a career is a major decision to make. Being a respiratory therapist and having a respiratory therapist job is a serious business. Meeting severely ill patients and caring for helpless young infants both suffering from a respiratory disease is a very distressing scenario.
Next Job: Clarity and Quick EmploymentWhen looking for a new job, the question that many job seekers face, is what should be their next job? While there are many good tools and techniques for developing personal career plans and visions as to what would suit you long term, the simple need of most job seekers is to find their next job now, and worry about career planning later. Here are some simple tools and techniques which will help you quickly clarify what HR professionals and recruiters will see as your most credible job application slots, and hence jobs in which you are most likely to quickly get employed in.
4 Ways Sales Career Seekers Can Better Control The Interviewing ProcessIn many rights, sales interviews are very similar to other interviews in different fields, however there are also some finer points for the aspiring sales job seeker to learn or order to make difficult interviews seem easy. In particular, here are four brief tidbits of advice for those aspiring to have a lucrative, meaningful and enjoyable sales career for the a long period of time to come: 1. Would you buy it?
Considering a New Career? Consider HypnotherapyMany people are choosing to become self employed for a variety of reasons. Let’s look at some of the practical and personal reasons to consider hypnotherapy as a career option.
Career Planning: The Importance of Keeping Your Resume Current!Career planning is important in keeping your career moving forward and measuring your progress against your overall plan. One of the most valuable steps in your career plan is to keep your resume current.