Career Advice – How to Be One of the Top 20 and Gain Job Security
Eighty percent of the work is done by twenty percent of the people employed. This rule of thumb proves to be true no matter the type or size of the organization.
Take These Five Steps to Find Your Next CareerPeople often come to me as a coach when they’re seeking to change jobs or their career path. They may find that their work is no longer as challenging, or that the field has changed so dramatically it’s not as interesting as it once was. Or, they may have been laid off en masse from jobs in an industry undergoing large-scale change, or newly entering the workforce after years spent caregiving at home. They don’t know what else to do or how to find out what do next, and are seeking a way forward.
Tips For Creating an Effective Action PlanAre you struggling to establish a clear vision to reaching to your goals? Creating an effective action plan helps you stay on point when it comes to getting on the right path to both personal and professional success.
How to Survive Your Work ExperienceThe night before your work experience starts is also the night when you have to start making some changes. Otherwise you could end up walking zombie-like through the office and no one particularly likes that. My advice given here is, stay in and don’t go out. You can save your partying for the weekend. If I did that for the past 5 weeks anyone can. Have an early night and go to bed at about 11. The worst part is yet to come.
The Unemployed Contingency Plan – Four Critical LessonsLosing a job maybe a difficult time. Knowing how to effectively deal with this situation will make you more marketable in the difficult job market. Here are four critical lessons in a unemployed contingency plan for all employees who may be in transition or displaced.
Testing – 1,2,3 – TestingWhen working as a freelance transcriber, every minute is measured in dollars. Once the workload picks up and you realize help is needed, how can you easily choose the personnel that can slip in seamlessly and offer the assistance that counts?
Five Fatal Mistakes to Avoid When Asking For a RaiseNothing can be more disappointing than being rejected when asking for a raise. It is a very humiliating experience. Trust me, I know. I have made many mistakes in the past, but I have finally managed to create a system which can protect you from feeling ashamed.
The Recession and the Pay RaiseAt first glance the current economical situation doesn’t really favor a pay raise. Companies cannot sell as many products as they would like to, their revenue decreases and they fire employees to balance their losses. This sounds logical, right? But let’s take a look at it from a different angle.
Learning Through a College InternshipStudents are always looking to find new ways to better themselves so that once they graduate they will be well-prepared to take on the rigors or challenges of the real world. Employers often look for students with some real world experience under their belt so that they can ensure their new employees will be able to make a contribution early on.
Coping With Layoffs – Survive a Depression With Your Smile Intact – Part 3 of a 3 Article SeriesThe third in a three part series on surviving a layoff using emotion focused coping skills from positive psychology. Keep your smile by meeting these three emotional needs.
Are You That Special Someone? Professional Branding and Your CareerIn today’s marketplace, the necessity and desire to stand out as a professional has reached a new level. Current and potential employers are more keenly focused on the added value that individual may bring to their organization, not just focused on the experience and skill sets of an individual. As a result, your perceived value depends heavily on your professional brand. Do you know what yours is?
Finding a Business MentorHave you ever had questions about starting or running a business? Find out how to get expert advice from business mentors for free!