The Risk – Adverse Hiring Environment
Everyone knows about the bad economy. We read about it, hear it reported on the news, on the radio — everywhere. Sometimes job seekers think this means there’s no work to be had out there. But they’re wrong —– there is, they just have to compete harder for it. They have to vanquish their competition.
Use Computer Training Directories to Easily Locate What You NeedThe easiest way to find exactly the training you need is to make use of a computer training directory. If you happen to live in the United States there are directories set up that only require that you click on your state to locate local computer training courses designed to help you improve your career.
Choosing a Printing ServiceIt is not enough to have a brilliant idea, it is equally necessary to have the right partner to help you out with its implementation. If you have decided to get something printed you should be concerned about a lot of factors like design, colour, fonts, quality etc. This is exactly when you make a critical decision of choosing a printing service. Keep a check on the following factors while choosing a custom printing service.
Getting Paid to Speak – Can it Be Done in This Economy?You might be wondering, with the current global recession and financial crisis, is it still viable to become a paid speaker these days? The speaking industry is somewhat unaffected in this economy. At least for the speakers who know what they are doing. Despite the struggling economy, it is usually new speakers with less marketing knowledge who struggle when the economy is bad.
Motivational Speaking Career – How to Start a Career As a Public SpeakerHave you decided to become a motivational speaker but don’t know where to start? You might have an idea of what motivational speakers do and how much they earn. Hopefully, you like what you’ve heard and you want to become one because you have a passion to help people through speeches and you want to make money from it.
How to Answer a Question About Being With the Same Employer For a Long TimeSome people think that being with one employer shows commitment and is good idea. In previous generations this was the case. You started with a company and would work hard to move your way up the corporate ladder and gain promotion.
Overseas Jobs – Not Just a Change of GeographyWhen you relocate for the purpose of a new job, especially if it’s overseas, adapting to your new workplace is an additional challenge you need to prepare for. If you’re going to continue to work for the same company, the adjustment could be even harder because you may expect the new job to be just like the old one.
Lifelong Learning and Its Importance to a Career As a Police OfficerWith the growing popularity of distance learning, online courses and adult education, the notion of lifelong learning is becoming increasingly well-known and important to more people of all ages. Subsequently, the embracement of lifelong learning is often argued to enhance social inclusion and quality of life, as well as employability – so how can it benefit those embarking on prospective police officer careers?
Special Valentine’s Day DeliveriesWhen it comes to courier jobs, the only time of year that can rival Christmas in terms of workload is Valentine’s Day. Couriers all over the country take on the role of Cupid, delivering flowers, cards and love to our nearest and dearest. As you might imagine, the poor folk making these deliveries can get sick of the sight of flowers, chocolates and cupcakes, so this Valentine’s Day, why not give them something a little more exciting to deliver?
Switching Roles at Home – The New Look Career FamilyHistorically, there have been two common situations in the home/work relationship. Either the father worked and the mother stayed home with the children, or they both worked. Today, roles are reversing around the world, and chaos is being wreaked on homes around the globe.
When Staying at Home is Not an Option – Getting Back to WorkStay-at-home parents love what they do. Unfortunately, many parents are being forced out of their homes and back into the workplace because of the economic situation. When you’re faced with going back to work, it can be hard. Here are some tips to make it a little easier.
3 Steps to Recovering From Losing Your JobIn cases where an employee’s efforts or skills are not recognized when he or she is fired, there is a chance that he or she is being fired illegally. Employees who are fired illegally should seek legal advice or help from a lawyer. No matter what goes through your mind there are at least three steps you can make to keep you stable and keep you going forward.