How Much Does Lady Colin Campbell Make on YouTube

Engage Your Corporate Career Killswitch

Career Change Ideas: Corporate Career Killswitch. Engage Yours. I speak with people every day who tell me that they have reached their limit in the corporate world. That they are at their breaking point. Many times these people are calling me from an airport, taxi, or hotel room.

Happiness – An Introduction

This is a short introduction to the topic of happiness and how to cultivate it. What does ‘happiness’ mean to you? Martin Seligman’s happiness formula – set point, circumstances and factors under your voluntary control. A summary list of things you can do to cultivate more happiness.

Using Internships To Gain The Work Experience That You Need

Searching the job market can be hard task right now. You will have to compete against several other applications to land the job.

Many Articles Are Written On How To Find A Job – How About You? Will You Need To Start Reading?

Are you a mid or senior level manager? Are younger staff being brought on-board? Do you look and act like a “frump?” Do you hear rumors about your company being sold? You need to shift gears and show everyone you are much better with your experience and knowledge than the younger professional. Update your resume, wardrobe, and hair. Be prepared. You never know when and where the axe will fall.

What Does a Social Media Specialist Do?

This is a subject that has attracted a great deal of attention recently. It is an emerging job role that is yet to be properly defined. Social Media is always changing, therefore the demands of the job are always adapting to the market.

How to Get a New Media Job

We are lucky to be living in an online world where we are constantly presented with new opportunities. If you have a general interest in the media then you should consider keeping up to date with new media news. You will be able to spot potential work opportunities and start to predict where the market is going and what trends will arise.

Transitions and Onboarding – Getting Off On The Right Foot

In my coaching practice I work with a lot of people who are either transitioning into a new position within their organizations or who are onboarding into a new organization. They face some similar problems and some dissimilar ones but for both getting off on the right foot is essential. The scope of this article will keep me focused on some questions to ask new reports but there is much more to making such a transition than that. For a comprehensive look at this topic I would recommend reading “The First 90 Days” by Michael Watkins and “Assimilating Leaders” by Diane Downey.

You Don’t Need Life Purpose, You Need Life Direction

Of the 100 women in the research I did to write Wander Woman, none of them said they ever left a job because they didn’t get a title or salary they felt they deserved. Although some of the companies they worked for slighted them, the deciding factor to leave was based on their feelings of insignificance, invisibility or resentment for having to do work they didn’t like.

Tips to Become an Electronics Test Technician

Electronics test technician works to test electronic equipment for ensuring that it can function properly. This person also works to ensure the smooth running of the day-testing activities and also to assist with hardware and debugging. Moreover, electronics test technician also keeps the detailed records on the piece of equipment and this person also maintains the list of all tests, repairs performed, and performance problems. If you want to be an electronic test technician, you can simple check out the following tips.

Top Five Challenges You Will Encounter While You Work in Japan

Getting work in Japan is an excellent choice. This is the best way to broaden your perspective of the world and gain a deeper insight into the culture and professional dynamics of an entirely different culture. Before you make the decision to apply for an overseas position though, there are a couple of challenges that you need to face and overcome particularly on Japanese soil.

A Beginner’s Guide For Emigrating Abroad

Emigrating abroad is a attractive prospect for most of the people these days. People especially hailing from developing or under developed countries find it hard to resist the temptation of moving abroad in search of better career opportunities and lifestyle. Though, its not an easy task to make a move to a different country as the life has to be changed and adapted as per the rules, regulations and society of that country. Here are few tips which can come handy if you are planning to make a move for employment abroad.

How to Prepare for SAP Certification

SAP certification is considered to be a one way ticket to a mouth watering career in the field of consulting. Today, far more companies need consultants than in the years gone by. A SAP consulting job is a recession proof one as consultants are more in need when companies are in trouble. Let me give few tips on how to go about preparing for a SAP certification from my experience. These are few tips which will help you take the certification with more confidence. I have seen people use these tips to get certified.

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