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Are You Looking For the Right Job?

Looking for the right job is always a challenge for most of the fresh graduates. It is indeed hard for you to decide which career suits you most. You may not know how to apply for the right job. To be frank, the job market is competitive and there are many requirements the fresh graduates need to meet. The process of getting a job may be quite long if you don’t know the right strategy.

Changing Careers Over 50 – The Missing Link in Job Interviews!

Changing careers over 50 has been a struggle. You’ve built your winning resume word by work, sentence by sentence. The resume cover letter template would win contests. The telephone interview was one of your best efforts and now you’re scheduled for the all important job interview. Building on your work experience you’ve drafted a list of 100 potential tough interview questions. Working hard you’ve honed your answers to the 100 questions and practiced your interview skills through a series of mock interviews. What are you missing, read more to find out.

8 Tips for Your First Job Interview

Attending a job interview can be a frightening experience for a lot of people particularly the inexperienced. I remember my first job interview. I did not know what was expected of me and I did not have advisors to tell me how I ought to conduct myself. I was dressed in a suit looking good and I lacked tact and I made a mess of things because I did not know what not to say in an interview, for example, how do you answer the question; “what are your weaknesses”? The answer to this question can undo a lot of things that would have gone “right in that setting. I would like your experience to be different therefore I have assembled these tips below to help you, particularly if you are starting your career.

Misery or Opportunity in the Job Place – It’s Your Choice

Most of us have been in jobs we haven’t liked for one reason or another. However, it does us little good to remain stuck in a place of unhappiness because of it. If we say miserable, we likely won’t find opportunities or even try. The choice is ours. We can stay unhappy or we can have a plan in place to change our position. It really is up to us.

Medical Transcriptionists: Time for a Little Assertiveness!

I am often a bit surprised when I listen to medical transcriptionists talk about their work and the things that “happen” to them. Perhaps it’s because we work so much in isolation behind a computer, but I don’t think we have mastered assertiveness skills.

Online Jobs – Know What You Want Before Applying

Lots of people are looking for online jobs these days, with many finding a new career doing something that makes sense to them. However, finding the right job online is just as tricky as finding a “real” job – if not even slightly trickier.

A Dental Assistant’s Salary: The Determining Factors

There are a number of factors that can affect one’s dental assistant salary, like being employed in an area where competitive salaries are offered, or living and practicing in an area with a high cost of living. Learn more about the factors that can determine one’s dental assistant salary, including certification, career mobility, experience and more.

How To Make It As A Graphic Designer

If you want to be a graphic designer, this article will help you get there. Here is a step by step guide to help you plan your future and to make sure you have alternatives to the most traditional routes into the industry.

9 Steps To Do When Fearing Job Loss

Job loss rarely comes at a total surprise. Usually there are early signs like a merger or the announcement of a cost-cutting program. Armed with this information, you can prepare for a potential lay-off.

5 Waitress Tips To Make Larger Gratuities

If you work as a waitress, most of your earnings will come from waitress tips. Your basic salary probably won’t be high enough for you to live comfortably. Some customers are naturally good tippers while other diners may have to be encouraged to shell out larger gratuities.

Lead Generation: How To Write a Winning Script

Outbound Lead Generation can promise you big returns if done in the right manner. And it all depends on your script. It is never enough to have an audience with your prospective client, but to persuade and convince them to acquire your services. In other words, you need to earn the conversation you are about to engage in. Here are a few steps to consider when creating your lead generation script.

Be Ready to Become the Best Exotic Dancer and Earn Good Money From Exotic Dancing!

To become a stripper or exotic dancer is not easy. The money you make is really good but the fact remains that getting naked in front of many people can be terrifying for first timers. It takes courage and the right mindset for someone to be able to perform professionally without inhibitions.

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