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Overcome Career Roadblocks

Career success is not something that is given on a golden platter. It takes a lot of hard work, patience and determination to achieve success in any aspect of our life. There will always be roadblocks along the way to a successful career.

Achieve Great Career Results: Adapt an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Whether you want to change careers, get a promotion or start a new business, embracing the entrepreneurial mindset is very important. Adapting an entrepreneurial mindset can provide you with numerous advantages in achieving the career results you’ve always wanted to happen. The truth is every aspiring executive is an entrepreneur, promoting themselves to their chosen clients.

Allied Health: The Fastest Growing Career Field for Medical Jobs

Allied health, which includes all healthcare jobs outside the core occupations of doctor, dentist and nurse, already employs an estimated 6 million Americans in more than 85 occupations, representing about 60% of the total healthcare workforce. Learn more about why the growth is so strong and what it means to anyone planning a first or next career.

Tips on How to Be a Travel Nurse

Deciding to become a nurse gives you a lot of opportunities for your future. As with choosing any profession, you may have a certain goal set in your mind beforehand which will guide you in taking the direction you want to take. These goals may be short term, long term or even personal which will affect the decisions you make in your career. It is quite a competitive world out there for nurses so you must not take it slow once you have graduated. You must have thought of the goals that you want to reach once you work as a nurse.

How to Become a Wedding Planner

If you enjoy everything about weddings and like working with people, you should consider becoming a Wedding Planner. With over 6,000 weddings on average per day in the U.S., there is plenty of money to be made in the wedding planning industry. With as much work and as many details that go into planning a wedding, bride and grooms are turning to wedding planners to help them turn their wedding dreams into reality.

Tips to Finding a Job As a Nurse

As a nurse, you are faced with a lot of options in this field. You are not only entitled to provide care for your patients, but you also have the liberty to choose which field you want to get into. With the continuing increase in the demand for them, choosing to be a nurse is the best option that you can take. You are provided with job security and the work is not boring at all. Besides from these which have been mentioned, there are so many other nursing jobs available for you. You can ask around or look for other jobs that may interest you. It is not that hard to be a nurse. You just need to be passionate about your job and you will be good in your work.

Retirement in Diaspora: Are You Preparing For It, or Are Your Chickens Going to Come Home To Roost?

Each of us will have to go down the long retirement road alone. It’s not a bad dream you can wake from to avoid. It will not be a case of “may the last person turn off the light.” It might even be a time of “To your tent, Oh Israel.”

Common Reasons Why You’re Failing at Work

In today’s competitive job market, getting and keeping a job can be difficult. To thrive in a career you love you need to be able to offer excellent skills and exhibit great characteristics. Many workers fall into the trap of believing that their education and work experience is enough to make them achieve their desired career results.

Ready for a Career Change? Know This First

According to results of a 2010 poll by The Conference Board, a global, independent business membership and research association, only 45 percent of U.S. workers are satisfied with their jobs. At some point in life, many people find themselves disillusioned with their careers or otherwise unable to continue in their current careers and contemplate a career change. If you find that you are considering embarking on a new occupation, you need to assess three crucial factors.

Things to Consider, If You Fear Redundancy Is In The Cards – Part 1 – Money

Sadly for many of us, redundancy and potential enforced job loss, is still very much an ongoing fear. The global economy, whilst still wavering between recession and minimal growth, gives very few people the security that their jobs are safe. Part 1 of our “Things to consider,” looks at the part of redundancy, that can scare people the most… money.

The Reward Is in the Risk

The question I pose in this article is: can we really expect to achieve excellence without risking the comfort that comes with complacency? Professionally and personally, I believe we must take great risks to reap great rewards. Read this article to understand my stance.

How to Find Your Dream Job in 30 Days or Less

Long before the crunch and high unemployment it really was possible to find your dream job in 30 days or less. Things change during a lackluster job market, especially for those who are limited in experience or specific skills that are in demand.

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