Regular Joes and CEOs: The Money Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side
Job Switching. What is it about our nature that we continue to seek a better job, profession, career, or business than what we have now?
In Job Search, Nothing Beats “The Human Touch”In the space of a few hours this past week, the topic of Automatic Tracking Systems (ATS) arose in activities with which I was involved. Most likely if you have applied for a job over the last couple of years, particularly with a mid-size or large firm, you have come up against the Automatic Tracking System.
Become a Firefighter – How to Start a Career As a FirefighterIf you’re looking for a career with variety, a challenge and good career progression, why not become a firefighter? The alarm sounds loud. You pull on your firefighting uniform, get on the fire engine and head out to a fire. This is the part everyone knows and dreams of. But there’s a lot more to being a firefighter.
Independent Contractor As Viewed by the IRSTo the average individual, an independent contractor is one who works on his own without the oversight of an employer. In the construction industry, these talented people perform many important tasks. An electrical engineer works to ensure the safe passage of electricity into the home to run kitchen appliances, light rooms, heat water, cool or heat the air, and run a variety of other plugged in items that we rely on every day.
Job Outlook For A Career As A Dental HygienistDental hygienists take care of the dental hygiene of patients. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2011, dental hygienist is one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States. Let’s look at the Job Outlook for a Career as a Dental Hygienist in greater detail.
Four Easy Steps to Help You “Move Up” or “Move On” in Your CareerAt some point in your career there may have been a time when you took a pay cut or downgraded to a less skilled position as a way to “pay the bills” or for resume continuity sake. But eventually you come to a place of frustration or you feel as though you are “stuck” in your position and really want to start looking for a position that is more in line with your professional goals.
Occupational Therapy Careers to Suit Mobile LifestyleOccupational therapy is one area in healthcare focused on dealing with problems in cognitive skills, sensory-processing, visual-perceptual skills and fine motor skills, helping people achieve utmost possible independence in their everyday lives. There are two levels of occupational practice: One is the Occupational Therapist (OT) and the other is the Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA). To be an Occupational Therapist, you have to complete both a bachelor’s degree and a masters degree in Occupational Therapy, whereas in the Occupational Therapist Assistant level, it is only required of you to get an associate degree.
5 Points About Writing a Business LetterInformation about various types of business letters, how to write a business letter. Here are some tips for knowing how to write a business letter.
Balancing Business and ParenthoodOne of the great marketing strategies online is to appeal to a person’s strong desire to be home more, financially free and completely flexible. It is a glorious dream whether you are looking to retire, have more time with family or supplement your spouse’s income while being home for your kids.
The Role of an Occupational Therapy Assistant: An Integral Member of the Rehabilitation TeamAn occupational therapy assistant is a job that not only pays well but has many other side benefits. You become an integral part of a team that helps people improve the quality of there lives.
Find Out If You Really Want To Be A Certified Financial PlannerSurveys show that most of the Certified Financial Planners are serving about two hundred clients. This clearly suggests that a Certification Financial Planner has become one of the hottest professions in the job market. Every person has a different set of skills and not all are meant for the same job.
Physician Jobs: Top 5 Benefits of Pursuing This CareerPursuing a career in the medical field provides a lot of opportunities and advantages to an individual. One popular job choice in the medical field is locum tenens. Locum tenens physicians are a special kind of physician that have a unique type of work to perform.