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Prep For Job Search – Coaching Tip 1

Where do I begin? Do I want to keep doing the same thing or I want to do something new?

Jobs For Teens at Walmart

So you’re a teenager looking to get a part time job at Walmart but are not sure if they would entertain the thought of hiring a teen. They most certainly do have jobs for teens at Walmart.

A Career in the Hospitality Industry in South Africa

The three years ahead of the 2010 football world cup have created approximately 80,000 job opportunities in the South African hospitality & tourism industry according to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. More specifically, their skills audit of the sector indicated that over these three years, the industry requires in the region 24,100 chefs and cooks, 23,500 waiting staff, 15,000 housekeeping staff, 7,800 cashiers and 8,000 hospitality managers.

Career Change Or Job Change?

Should I stay at my job or should I go? Have I made the wrong career choice? Is the company where I work the problem?

Looking to Become a Consulting Design Engineer?

Looking to start a career as a consulting engineer? Here’s a quick rundown on the steps you’ll need to take.

Why Am I Here? Tips For Career Success

Find out the secrets to starting your new job well – even if you’re given no job description and no help! You can still be a success from day one, with a little planning and proactivity. Tips on how to figure out what you should be doing and who to get the information from. Whether you’re a graduate or further on in your career, this article will help.

What it Takes to Be a Programmer?

Always wanted to be a programmer? Then check this article to see what you can expect and what you need to be a proficient coder.

Climbing Up the Corporate Ladder in a Down Economy – Don’t Let the Recession Knock You Off Course

What do you do when your well-thought out career plans come to a screeching halt due to a down turn in the economy? You rethink your strategy and remain agile.

Hate Your Boss? Here’s Help! Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do When You Don’t Like Your Boss

Not getting along with your boss is always difficult, but during a down economy the consequences can be devastating. Working under the fear of a job loss brings on stress, further impacting job performance when you need to be demonstrating your best efforts. In good economies, the option to leave and pursue other employment is a viable and healthy alternative.

Become a Nightclub Promoter

Do you love to party, meet tons of cool people, stay out drinking all night? What about getting PAID to do it? Becoming a Night Club Promoter is the perfect occupation for you.

Dealing With Project Failure

It is a fact of life that not every project succeeds. Sometimes the market changes and the product is no longer viable. Sometimes the budget or time constraints are untenable. Sometimes it is simply a case that somebody has made a mistake.

What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

The medical field is a wide one with many different areas to cover when it comes to picking a solid career. If you’ve always wanted to work in this field without going through the years to be a doctor, and if you simply do not have the interest to be a nurse, then why not try your hand at becoming a medical assistant.

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