How Much Does Saffron Barker Make On Youtube

How to Build Your Career Using Social Networks

If you are looking to advance your career, make business connections, or even keep your eyes open for new job opportunities, social media is rapidly becoming the go-to tool. These days, more and more recruiters, hiring managers and decision makers are using social media regularly to search for talent. Just think – it was only 2007 when social networks took off.

Change Careers After 50 – 10 Tips for Success!

If you are over 50 it’s likely you are thinking about changing careers. Millions of Americans when they reach midlife seem to be changing careers, it can be a difficult journey or if your have a working career plan it can be an easier and less frustrating way to reach your career goals. Changing careers after 50; here are 10 Tips for career change success.

What’s The Best Way to Get a Locum Job?

As a medical professional you may have taken the decision to have a career as a locum. The money is good but you do often find yourself looking for new jobs when you would rather just relax. Here is some advice on how to find one.

Why Do People Quit Their Locum Jobs?

Read this article if you are interested to know why it is locums sometimes leave their highly lucrative roles. You will find that it is not all about the money and there can often be many external factors which have an effect.

LinkedIn – Are You Making the Most of It in Your Job Search?

You’re on LinkedIn. You built your profile to show the best you have to offer and a status line that shows the specific job title you’re looking for. You’ve started connecting with the people you know now and people you used to know on other jobs or in other parts of your life. Are there any other steps you can take? Here are three steps that will help you grow your network and make your value evident to others.

5 Ways to Be More Positive At Work

Let’s face it: It has been a tough economic recession and with companies continuing to downsize it can be difficult to have a positive attitude. You are doing more with less, you are stressed and you are not always feeling your best. It is said that it takes more energy to be upbeat and positive then it does to be cranky and negative. Given the times it may be a challenge, but being more positive in your workplace can not only make you feel better, it can actually create a space for you to advance in your career.

Have You Considered Commission Sales?

Someone once said to you, Why not give commission-based selling a go? Who me? You hear yourself saying, then immediately brush the idea off as totally inconceivable. Too scary for your liking. The need to make a proper living, guaranteed income and all that, being the immediate thoughts hitting your frontal lobe.

Disclosing Compensation History: What to Tell an Executive Recruiter

It’s an old debate: Do I or don’t I disclose my compensation history to an executive recruiter who calls? The author is a veteran executive recruiter who provides his perspective in this article.

7 Tricks to Help You Work From Home

When you work from home, people automatically think that you have a life of leisure and free time. Actually, it takes a lot of discipline to be able to stay on top of everything. Here are a few things to remember in order to stay productive and work efficiently.

Career Moves Strategy To Beat The Jobs Slump

This article covers the 3 simple steps you take to create an effective career moves strategy that protects you in bad times and helps you prosper when there are more opportunities. Plan your career moves wisely… you can’t afford not to when the job market’s as bleak as it now is.

Considering A Career Change – The Benefits Of A Stockbroker Course

People are constantly searching for ways to break free from the corporate jungle in order to stop spending extended hours at work. Most would certainly have a preference for working from home in order to spend quality time with family members and friends. But when it comes to choosing a new career that will enable them to work from home most people are worried that they might not make sufficient income to survive.

Hairdresser Training – The Basic Elements

In case you have made the decision to start a profession in the hairdressing field, training will be essential if you want to be successful. Without proper training, you cannot treat your customers the way they are supposed to be treated and also cannot provide the highest quality hairdressing experience. Basic courses for hairdresser training include: Techniques: Naturally, all hairdressers have to know the most up-to-date techniques when it comes to hair styling.

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