What Type of Jobs Are Out There?
Moms are often looking for something interesting to do in a career after having stayed home for a while with the kids. But it’s hard to know what types of jobs might be available. I know that you want to have a healthy life balance. So, why waste time even thinking about a job or career that will suck the life out of you? This article focuses on jobs or careers that energize you and can be integrated into a good life balance.
A Career As a Business SpeakerMany groups, organizations, and companies are turning to motivational speakers to increase work productivity. Motivational speaking has become a very lucrative and rewarding career. There are many kinds of motivational speakers available for every type of event. One popular motivational speaker is the business speaker.
Is Your Boss Snooping on Your Credit Score?Did you know that nearly half of all employers access your credit score to try to get a glimpse in your personal life? They try to estimate how responsible you are as an employer by looking at how well you manage your debts, and there is a whole host of other information they can see as well. In some cases this information is used to make decisions when they hire, fire and layoff employees, and your boss may be accessing your personal information as well.
Your Dream Job – 5 Ways to Decide If You Should Be an Entrepreneur Or EmployeeDream Jobs come in all shapes and sizes. Many of us are clear on the things that we love to do, but turning that into a job or business? Not so much. One of the most important things for you to figure out is if you are looking to find or create a dream job as an employee. Or, are you destined to run your own business? Consider these five factors as you continue to narrow and define your perfect job.
Does Your Career Change Need a Reality Check?It is a job seeker’s prerogative to be interested in a particular type of position. This often means a total career change, and a reality check.
How to Deal With Job Uncertainty in a RecessionUncertainty about your job or career creates fear, stress and an inability to cope with the pressure. This article give you six solid tips to change your thinking about your career or job and so reduce stress. It will empower you to take back control of your working life.
How to Deal With Being Laid OffIn this article I want to explore the effects of being laid off and what you can do to counteract the negative impact it might have on both your state of mind and on your day to day living. Being laid off due to your company’s economic difficulties can have a huge impact on you personally. Initially you will be reeling from the shock and then you will progress to worry about how you are going to cope financially, how you will find another job and what this means for your future careers plans.
Success For Your 9-5 Gig – Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Job!In this recession, it’s important to maintain job security. Sometimes the most basic gestures you may take for granted can prevent you from receiving a pink slip. This article will help you to apply five principles in order to stand out among your co-workers and cause your boss to rethink his/her decision to downsize you and your position.
Calling All Nurses – Make More Money by Going IndependentTraditions kept the services of nurses to hospitals and other medical facilities or institutions. Times however are changing as more and more options are presented to nurses when it comes to opportunities in their career. Nurses nowadays are given more choices as to how they would like to practice their expertise. This includes becoming a independent contractor or even putting up ones own nursing agency.
Finding a Fashion Industry InternshipIn the search for a fashion industry career, the internship is key. Securing a fashion internship is so important, in fact, that many internships are built into educational programs and you can’t graduate without one. What’s the scoop on internships, and what can you do to get one?
Stripper Tips – Do Girls Really Earn a Six Figure Income?Recently girls have been leaving their jobs or being made redundant and turning to Stripping. These women have worked in large corporate banks and other prestigious places and are smart determined ladies. Many news stories have dedicated column inches to document this.
Your Dream Job – 5 Steps to Defining and Refining What You Love Into a JobDo you have a dream job or business? What is stopping you from doing it? Here are five steps to help you define and refine your dream into a real job or business so you can get started.