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Nail Technicians Welcomed – 5 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Salon Business If you are a nail technician who desires to own a salon or if you just want…

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Could You Be Sabotaging Your Own Success? Seemingly innocent actions or remarks can derail the most ambitious careerist. Here are two faux pas from which I learned valuable lessons. 1:…

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You Can Create Your Glamour Model Portfolio Easily Your portfolio photographs are to be shot by the best professional photographer available. You must also get the best makeup artist. Then…

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Run Your Job Like a Business Have you always been scared to leave a full time position and start working on a contract basis? You may have to re-think this…

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Teaching – Tips For Success If you are a teacher, you are also a disciplinarian. You are on the front lines of enforcing school policy and you must take this…

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Before You Become a Cake Decorator There Are a Few Things That You Should Know When professional cake decorators and people who like to bake at home have to buy…

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Staying Relevant, Current, and Employable in Digital Marketing and Advertising People often ask me how I manage to keep up with the onslaught of change happening in the digital space….

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Five Great Ways to Sabotage Your Career So many times, people don’t realize how easily they can sabotage their careers, unknowingly, they will do or not do things that hold…

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Career Options For Cosmetologists Are you interested in pursuing a career as a cosmetologist? If so, you will find that there are many different career opportunities available to you once…

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What Degrees Earn the Most in Terms of Pay? As students near graduation from college, or are starting back to class, more often than not their thoughts turn financial. Whether…