How Much Does Abom79 Make on YouTube

Men Entering Into a Nursing Profession

Nursing has long been considered a bastion of women for a variety of reasons. But the dynamics have changed over the last few years with more and more men entering into this profession.

Alternatives to Working a Dead End Job

It is not uncommon for an individual to go many years in life before realizing that they have found themselves in a dead end job with very few prospects. What people do not realize is that this can be a very easy trap to fall into and many people do the same thing. It is simple to become comfortable with your current job, especially with unemployment a common feature of American society these days.

What If I’m in a Win-Lose Salary Negotiation?

Thinking in a win-lose mindset can be detrimental to salary negotiation. Cooperative language can help build a bridge to get both you and your employer to a satisfactory conclusion. One critical way is just to switch your language from “I” to “We.” Don’t think of this as a gimmick or slick tactic. You are in a situation in which you and your employer both need a “win.”

New Year, New Career – The “Power Plan” to Achieve Career Success in 2010

Do you hope to get your career on track in 2010, with more power and momentum than ever before? Even though we’re in a very challenging recession and a very bad job market, do you want to “buck the trend” and create breakthrough results? Are you prepared to create the focused and productive career that you know you are capable of having – one that will give you great satisfaction and financial reward?

An IT Architect Has to Learn to Challenge All the Facts

Progress seems to rely on enterprise architects who stand up, challenge the status quo and push the envelope a lot. Many great breakthroughs are innovations made by architects who are able to ignore the so-called facts and figures. Whilst most people are content with the status quo, professional IT architects are always seeking a better, faster, more efficient, more effective method or way of doing things.

IT Architects and Conflict Resolution

There are five generally recognized negotiating situations, of which competition and collaboration are two. As an IT architect you will need to learn how to use each one so that you don’t limit possible outcomes needlessly by competing when it is not appropriate.

Becoming a Radio DJ

Becoming a radio DJ is not as simple as it may seem, in fact, it is one of the most difficult occupations to learn and you need to have great communication skills in order for you to be a good DJ. There is a lot of training involved so if you’re still in college and you dream of learning to be a DJ, you ought to begin by passing your free time at high school with speech classes along with other activities, such as debate and drama.

Secrets of Internship Success

Your decision to pursue an internship was a smart one, and now that you’ve landed a job, it’s time to take advantage of the terrific opportunities in front of you. And while it may seem like you’ve got all the time in the world to figure things out, the truth is that your internship will be over before you know it – so it’s time to hit the ground running.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait – And Back Off From Time to Time

Consider the number of times that any of us is given unsolicited advice, “helpful” opinions, or other ideas that we didn’t ask for, didn’t want, and quite frankly, aren’t always so useful and helpful in the first place. Irritating, isn’t it? Unfortunately, this type of scenario happens all the time in the workplace.

Ways of Being a DJ

If you wish to become a DJ, then there are a few things that you ought to understand to be a professional and highly successful DJ. You can try getting someone to instruct you how if you’re lucky but it’s not really likely that you will be in a position to find anybody to teach you how.

How to Get Started As a DJ

The DJ’s line of work is thought of as one of the best jobs there is. Aside from the belief that they’re able to party all night long, it is in addition the type of job where you will have a pretty spectacular social life. Also, becoming a DJ means that you get to move around and get invited into privileged clubs from different parts of the land or even the world if you are really accomplished.

Help! I Hate My Boss

Find me someone who has ever held a job, and I’ll find you someone who’s hated his boss. Call it karma, feng shui, or just the way of the world, but everyone seems to have had a boss they’ve disliked. Really disliked. Even bosses have hated their bosses.

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