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Balancing Act – Career Versus Life and Finding Your Balance

Life isn’t about all work or all play. Find the balance between your career and your family life that fits for you! Here is some advice on how to do just that!

What You Should Know About a Career Counselor

When you do not know what to do about your work it is recommended to use the advice of a career counselor. It has the role and the ability to mediate and help you identify your strengths but also weaknesses.

Extra Income For Students

One of the greatest regrets of my life is not investing my time in a small business while I was still a student. Most students spend their student life working part time jobs and in hindsight I feel that it was a waste, no offense. I am only now realizing the power of having your own business! The reward is generous and the potential is limit less.

Various Jobs That Have Been Named As the Most Recession Proof Careers

Thousands of Americans have lost their jobs during this recession and many of them are trying to figure out what type of career should they go into now and what ones are considered to be recession proof. Recently Time magazine listed the top 150 careers that are considered to be strong to have during a recession and hope to lead to some job security in tough economic times.

What Can We Learn From Donald Trump’s Failures?

When we look at the Trump network, a thought comes to mind that there are lots of things we can learn from Donald Trump. Most of his achievements and misfortunes were seen by public at large. But it seems like he always jumps back on to his feet, no matter what brings him down. And so, there are lessons that we can learn from Mr. Trump’s rises and falls.

Enhance Your Professional and Career Development – Get an Accountability Partner

Are you someone who begins each week with clear goals you want to achieve that week? Are you highly motivated to achieve them? Are you also very good at knowing the steps you need to take to bring those goals to fruition? BUT, do you then find that you lose focus easily? If this is you, then maybe an Accountability Partner is just what you need to keep you focussed on your goals and what you want to achieve both personally and professionally.

Why Do You Need to Change Your Career?

Is the thought ‘change your career’ coming to your mind frequently nowadays? Is it because you are unhappy with what you are currently doing? Is it that you want to do something completely different?

How Losing Your Job Can Bring You Benefits

Let’s just say that you are working for a company where lay offs are becoming the soup dujour. You might be next. You might not, but then again, you never know. People are losing their jobs due to no fault of their own. The question is: Is there anything you can do to find a silver lining behind this ominous cloud? Or can you at least get a taste of some lemonade from these lemons being forced upon you?

Have You Thanked Anyone Lately? Going Beyond Recommendation Letters and References

Most professionals are well versed on the need to acquire business references and LinkedIn recommendations, and hopefully are just as accommodating in offering them to business associates. Although, an often overlooked opportunity to acknowledge and support someone in their career is the classic “thank you” letter. These are especially meaningful to people outside of your network, and can carry a lot of weight at review time for the recipient, as they are unsolicited.

Is Nursing a Good Career to Travel, to Work and Live in Different Countries?

Many people dream of having a career that gives them opportunity to travel the world and experience different locations and cultures. Unfortunately, relatively few jobs really allow for this, and many of the ones that do are very exclusive.

Laid Off? Can’t Find a Job? Celebrate, Have a Party!

The poor economy may be the best thing that has happened to you. We can become complacent when the economy is strong. Sometimes life gives us a nudge, or a kick ,to get out of our comfort zone. Seize the moment, see this as an opportunity to create your ideal life.

Is a Home Inspector Really Needed in the Market?

No matter how bad the economy situation is, people still buy and sell houses daily. The demand for qualified home inspectors is totally not affected by financial crisis. In contrast, more and more buyers are requiring satisfactory home inspections as part of the sale.

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