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Smoke and Mirrors – Critical Examination of Value

What has real value in our world today? The answer may be dependent on each individual’s perspective but there is clearly a wide range of illusory wealth or scams. We endeavor to peel away the layers of falsehood to find what is most precious to us, in order to prioritize our most efficient resource, our time.

A Handy Guide For Professional and Exciting Business Card Designs

Everyone who has a business or who are very professional people want to have business cards with their information on it so that they can hand it out in a moment’s notice to whomever needs one. The business card design is an important feature of the card to show who you are and what your business is all about.

Integrating Work and Learning Together

Integrating work and learning helps students make informed decisions about their career. Various educational institutes tie up with various organizations in order to give hands-on experience to their students while they are studying. Schools, colleges and organizations work together, to prepare a curriculum that can help in the overall development of their students.

Career Tips – How to Toot Your Own Horn Without Sounding Like a Jerk

If you’re like most people, the idea of self-promotion makes your stomach turn. But in today’s business climate, the reality is this: unless you make your accomplishments known on a regular basis, you may find yourself with a pink slip because your managers don’t realize the value you bring to your organization. But how do you toot your own horn without coming across as an arrogant jerk? This article shares a few suggestions on how to do just that.

Career Training – The Foundation to a High Flying Future

Career training, in simple terms, is a program that enables one to acquire knowledge and specific skills in a particular field. The concept has gained more importance over the years as the job market needs well trained professionals in all areas of work. Skill and knowledge updating is a continuous process for everyone today.

Women, Image, and Power

As long as opportunities exist for women to excel in the corporate arena, a professional image should be one of their highest priorities. There are several areas of image definition that help give women a winning edge to master a unique image. This is a ticket to success.

How to Identify Your Values and Create Career Satisfaction

Learning how to identify your values will help create more career satisfaction in your life. These strategies will also help create more balance and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

The Beauty Industry

Spa treatments, beauty treatments, massage, manicures, pedicures, make-up and holistic treatments. Welcome to the fast growing and diverse world of the beauty industry! The exciting world of the beauty industry has endless career opportunities and pathways. Where would you like to work one day? Health farms, where you work closely with dietitians and fitness instructors, or would you prefer the calm, ambient nature of the spa world where you combine holistic massage therapies, water therapies and products derived from the sea and other natural ingredients?

Business – What Do You Do If Your Job is Suddenly Gone?

We are living in a world that is suffering from economic problems and this affects all aspects of our lives. Unemployment rates are rising and no one seems to be protected from lay offs and terminations even when they have given loyal service to their employers for many years. This article offers suggestions for dealing with the loss in a healthy manner.

How to Enhance Your Relationships at Work – 10 Top Tips

With 1 in 4 people suffering from bullying at work, it can be hard to get on with everyone at work. But what can you do to enhance your relationships with others and get the best out of yourself and others?

Investigate All the Possibilities

When the time comes to choose a career or profession, there are various things to consider. For instance, is this a career that will continue to be in demand in the future, say 10-20 years from now? You don’t want to take up a career that might disappear due to economic reasons nor do you want to be stuck in a profession that you may or may not enjoy in the years to come.

Life Insurance Sales Career – Free Article Warning of Motivation Tools Needed Before Entering

A Life insurance sales career job is a challenge not a career. This free article shows what motivation tools you need before an insurance sales career should even be considered. Save a life career mistake, read this free article first

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