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When Offers For Career Help Don’t Pan Out

First, let’s accept a little fact about people: They lie. So, when Mr. Smith is offering to forward your resume to his contacts, he might be sincere and really mean it.

How to Become a Paralegal With Some Easy Steps

People who are interested in the field of law must always make sure that they get proper training from recognized institutions. There are lots of institutions available these days. It is very important to choose the best from them.

Job Negotiating Strategies – (1) Bargaining From a Position of Strength

This is the first in a series of four articles that encompass various strategies for effectively bargaining with a future employer relating attaining a new job. This is meant for the most qualified job candidates who have the luxury of bargaining from a position of strength. Specific steps, and attitudes, for handling the job acquisition process is addressed including salary negotiations, counter offers, employer accountability….

Easy Networking For Your Job Search

When it comes to new networking, think of an onion. Like the aromatic onion, your networking strategy works best when you peel back a layer at a time. When you network effectively, you ‘peel back’ layers and layers of people to get to the heart of what you’re looking for – if you stop at the first layer, you may not get what you need.

Medical Billing Training and Medical Coding Training – Knowing the Time Frame Required

Nowadays, the medical billing and coding field can be considered one of the most rapidly growing health care fields in United States. The demand for certified medical billing specialists and certified medical coders is increasing year by year. At the same time, the expectation from the employers is increasing too. Unlike in the past, the requirements for patients’ records have become stricter.

6 Main Requirements of Entering Top Nurse Practitioner Universities

Over the recent years, world-wide shortage of medical specialists and health related professionals is striking in most parts of the United States because of the growth in the populations, seasonal virus infections and disease as well as the prolonged survival age of the average because the increased in people awareness against their health and diet has been improved compared to last century. There is an over-whelming increase of top nurse practitioner Universities in the United States in the last 10 years and finding one great Universities to earn your nurse practitioner degree should not be difficult.

The Work Options For a Nurse

People sometimes underestimate the career opportunities the nursing field presents. You may have a more difficult time choosing a career then deciding to be a nurse.

How to Work the Room Like a Networking Pro

Nervous to network? You shouldn’t be. Here are some sure-fire tips to becoming a pro at working a room.

How to Say No at Work to Stay Sane

Has this ever happen to you? You want to leave on time but someone asks you to do just one more thing just before you leave. Or You’re under the pump and someone adds another task to your already swollen in-tray.

Engineers Married With Children

It is often overlooked but the victims of engineers who have a 24/7 mentality at work are their families. While “Joe Engineer” is hunched over his laptop in his workplace cubicle at nine o’clock at night his wife is performing his job-reading the kids a bedtime story.

Lead With Passion

You have to become a leader. Even if you are mid level management. Even if you are just a salesperson. Take control- Take the lead!

How to Answer the Weakness Question

This query has been an enduring weapon in the hiring manager’s arsenal, but most people still have trouble with the dilemma it poses: answer too frankly, and you’ll torpedo your prospects. Bestow a canned answer and you’ll seem phony, or worse, evasive.

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