How Much Does Tyrone Magnus Make on YouTube

Top Tips For Becoming an Ambulance Technician

If you are interested in signing up for paramedic recruitment, then give the profession serious thought. A job as a paramedic can be a fulfilling one if you have always considered a job in the medical field or like helping people but, make sure you know what you are doing since it can be stressful.

Clinch That Job! Employer Job Interview

Companies are seeking candidates eager to take on challenging projects, who aren’t afraid to learn by their mistakes in doing something new. The candidate must project this eagerness. In today’s barren economy -with 10% unemployment-everyone looking for a job needs every possible edge. We are in what economists call “an employers’ market,” in which employers can choose from a large pool of candidates.

Career Development – What Employers Search For in an Employee

Apart from your qualifications, employers look out for your capability to perform assigned duties. They also seek to know whether you have initiative or you are the type that needs to be supervised in order to work. This is a way to measure your confidence level hence your leadership qualities.

Do House Sitting Jobs Pay Well? Specialize For Success!

Imagine staying in a home for a while that is not your own. The home is equipped with the latest home theatre equipment and features a great view of the local area. All amenities are paid for and you do not have to pay a dime of rent. On top of that, you get a small daily cash stipend to watch over the home. House sitting is not incredibly lucrative, but it can be an attractive way to visit new place and make some decent money on the side. Living for free in a furnished home is always a plus.

Find Freelance Projects in The Current Financial Crisis

The prevailing financial slowdown has affected the economies of almost all the countries around the globe. People are looking out for substantial income sources to meet their basic necessities of life. But finding a freelance project is again a challenge for budding freelancers when the competition is also standing strong.

Career Fair Techniques

There are some techniques to utilize at a career fair. It’s not supposed to be about long lines and bad parking. You need to do as much as you can to not waste your time, nor the time of the companies in attendance.

Working For the Government – Is Uncle Sam the Right Employer For You?

The challenge and mission of a federal agency can be exciting; the politics and bureaucracy can be frustrating. Placement and preparation have to be right.

What Affects Change? What Do You Do About It?

What a difference a year makes. My head was spinning recently, my mind full of reflection, introspection, jubilation, anticipation, wonder and… trepidation! Now, admittedly the trepidation part is minimized by the other more effusive emotions and thoughts. But, every year on my birthday…

Great Answers to Job Interview Questions About Your Education

Here’s some ideas of how to answer job interview questions about your past education, whether it be school or industry related training. Your interviewer will want to know if you have the skills and ability to complete the work, so giving the best and most appropriate interview answers is crucial to landing the job.

Finance Careers – Tips on How You Can Excel

If you like working with numbers and are fascinated with what you can do with numbers, then you should consider a career in finance. Nowadays many businesses need individuals who can manage money and get profitable returns.

Entry Level Finance Jobs

Looking for any type of job can be full of obstacles and challenges especially with the current job market climate. There is stiff competition out there and many individuals are more than qualified to take you on once you have graduated.

Wake Up! Career Advice to Get on With Your Life

“Some people dream of doing great things. Others wake up and do them.” (Author unknown) Most underestimate the cost of procrastination and the effect that hitting the “snooze button” on life will have on their work, careers, finances or personal relationships. Chronic procrastinators believe that there will always be tomorrow, to start, to do, to stop, to change…whatever it is that they’ve been procrastinating about.

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