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Working in Teams

Most work is accomplished by teams. Groups are pulled together to launch a product, create a presentation, develop a new training method or plan an event. Some team projects are successful. The goal is met and the members feel productive. But many times team efforts result in competition among co-workers, resentment and wasted time.

Bored Stiff: Why Your Interview Personality Matters

Well that guy was dull. Hopefully this is something that an interviewer never thinks of you after you two have met. However, it’s pretty likely that job candidates, especially recent graduates, are so overwhelmed with nerves that they forget who they are.

10 Steps to Unlock the Hidden Job Market

You do not have to pay to access the hidden job market. If you are willing to do some legwork and research on your own, you can get most of the information you need to contact the companies and executives you need to target. The following ten steps will show you how.

How to Be Likeable, Credible and Reliable

Successful businesspeople do not get to the top alone. They rely on others in their community and industry to aid in the journey. The process of finding these valuable contacts is called networking.

2011 And the Rise of Job Offers

The economy is finally heating up again and hopefully bouncing back to its pre-recession self, which is causing many U.S. companies in various industries and markets to enhance their recruiting and marketing techniques for the advertisement of new job openings. As The Wall Street Journal reported, “Many of the new jobs are in retailing, accounting, consulting, health care, telecommunications and defense-related industries.”

Examples of Freight Forwarding Jobs

Just like any field, the freight forwarding industry has got jobs that require qualified personnel to ensure the smooth running of the business. To manage the industry better, the jobs are broken down into different categories and titles.

How to Address Business Contacts

One would think it impossible for telemarketers to find a way to irritate us more than we’ve come to expect. But they have. Thinking it is the best way to build rapport, they now ask for and address their target by his first name. Telemarketers are not alone. Addressing business contacts and clients by their first names in business is quite common. But, doing so before granted permission is rude.

Seeking Career Advice

Seeking Career Advice Are you someone who is looking for a career? You may need to ask for career advice, however here are the four main questions any employer is seeking answers for to fill in a position.

Use Proper Grammar for Best Business Image

A rising executive, dressed for success, schooled in the fine points of proper business etiquette, asks a colleague, “Hey, would you like to join the boss and I for lunch?” The answer is yes and off they go. Did anyone catch the mistake? Because of the fear of misusing the word me, the executive mistakenly uses the subject pronoun I rather than an object pronoun. In this case the preposition “with” should be followed with the object pronoun me. His question should be, “Would you like to join the boss and me for lunch?” Such errors are common. But they are noticed and will tarnish your image. The way you use the English language speaks volumes about your education and ability. If you cannot speak the language correctly, others assume you not intelligent.

Benefits Of A Travel Nursing Career

A travel nursing career provides a great deal of flexibility with the different types of working assignments you do and where you do them. At the same time you will see significant monetary benefits associated with an excellent aid package, insurance coverage, pension, and various other perks and bonuses. Of course, the main reason why people pursue a career as a travel nurse is simply in order to get out and see a little bit more of the country.

One Chance to Make a First Impression

It has often been said that, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Whether you are networking, interviewing for a job or meeting new colleagues for the first time, here are some guidelines to keep in mind which will make a good first impression.

Why Pediatric Nursing Is Such A Rewarding Career

Pediatric nursing is full of variety. It can take those working in the profession from the Emergency Room, tending a prematurely born baby with breathing issues, to looking after a strapping six-foot football player, who has broken his leg in an important college match, within moments.

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