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Thank You Letter After a Job Interview – How to Leave Your Mark

A thank you letter after a job interview is often one of the most overlooked and underrated things, although its importance should not be underestimated as it could be the factor that lies between you getting the job or not. It is a factor that should be included at least in your Top 5 of things to do in preparation for an interview.

What is Business Training and is it Right For You?

Business training can introduce you and your staff to new skills while refining existing ones. Training can also take different forms, from vocational training, to learning skills at your place of business.

Do CNAs Really Need an Orientation?

Have you ever hired nursing assistants and, after HR paperwork and a quick tour of your facility or agency, sent them off to a full day’s work? Does orientation seem like a waste of time with CNAs? After all, many of them don’t stick around long, so why bother? Well, here’s a tale from my past that spells out the problem with that theory.

CNA Inservices – Get Measurable Results

Continuing education should do more than fulfill annual inservice requirements. It should meet the learning needs of your CNAs and, in turn, have a measurable impact on client care. That’s what you get when you utilize high quality inservice materials that have been created especially for nursing assistants by a reputable inservice provider.

Helpful Suggestions on Getting That Top Job in a Competitive Market

This article is how important it is to not only have an education but some of the necessary skills you will need to know to find a job in a tough economy. It will discuss the importance on being completely up to date on all computer systems, understand how to use a variety of multi-line phones, what to wear for certain business events, and how to handle yourself in a job interview.

Jobs For Women 2010 and Beyond

My mother never had the chance to go college. She had quite a few things that she had to take care of in her business that she was running, and plus she had me and my two other brothers. I sometimes sit down and think how many more mothers are not going to school because they think they cannot afford it.

Handling Career Change Situations

There are many reasons why we normally think of a career change, however a career change is not easy as it seems. Before you go ahead and decide for a career change you really have to think hard about what will be your future plans and what kind of industry are you looking forward to and if you really have the skills and talent required in the job you are looking forward to.

Changing Jobs Smartly

Changing jobs can be a daunting task at the same time very emotional as well. Jobs are an important part of our life as they provide us financial security and stability. And if you are living in a country that has a high rate of unemployment problems than the importance of jobs grows considerably.

Business Prospects of a Home Health Agency

If you are thinking of starting your own business then don’t miss out the scopes of opening a home health agency. Home health care agencies are companies that provide both medical and non-medical care to aged individuals and patients suffering from critical ailments or those recovering from injuries and surgeries.

8 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Architect Coach

Eight good reasons why you should hire a coach so you can achieve peak performance as an IT architect. Personal growth. A coach can help you speed up your natural learning curve in ways you can’t do alone.

Nursing Assistants – You’re Never “Just” a CNA

Throughout your health care career, have you ever caught yourself saying, “I’m only a CNA”? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common “mistake” that we all make…minimizing our importance and our contribution to the workplace. If you ever feel a drop in your confidence, consider all the skills you have learned-and continue to learn working as a nursing assistant.

The One Thing You Don’t Know About Yourself That Others Already Do

When it comes to our talents and gifts, we are always the last to know. Understanding your gifts at a core level will help you run your business more effectively.

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