How Much Does Furniture Flipping Teacher Make on YouTube

What You Need to Know About a Modeling Agency

A modeling agency is a firm that hires and manages fashion models. A modeling agency takes auditions and then selects models and trains them accordingly for various different fashion shows and contests. It is the job of a modeling agency to recruit models that they seem to have potential inside, and then manages them in such a manner that they are able to present and display new collections of dresses for various different fashion houses and designers.

Types of Questions to Ask a Resume Writer

With so many companies and individuals offering resume writing services, it has become increasingly difficult to choose who you want to work with. It is important that you ask the right questions before you hire a resume writing service.

Achieving Professional Goals As Nurse Practitioners

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a nurse, who has been given advanced training in how to care for patients, just like a doctor. In some of the states, the NPs are even allowed to perform the job of a doctor, without assistance from any doctor, but in some other states, they can work only under a licensed doctor. The nurses who are in the lower level, like the LVNs and the RNs do not have this freedom of choice.

5 Tips To Savor Summer To The Max

It’s bright sunshine, hot days, and the sound of the ice cream truck down the street. If you’re stuck in an office, here are 5 cool tips to bring some summer pleasures into your presentation skills training.

How to Overcome Fear of Overpromotion

One of the many things that people tell me is that women are less likely to get promoted because they suffer from “imposter syndrome” and that they won’t put them selves forward for higher paid or better jobs because of this. But it is not just women, men also suffer from this fear of being found out, this anxiety that they are not as good as other people think they are, this stress about being discovered.

Work Less, Make More Money: 7 Secrets Of Executive Coaches

Dreaming of escaping the summer heat for a cool shady spot? If you’re ready to work less, and make more money, use these 7 presentation secrets of top executive coaches.

How Angry Birds Can Help You to Achieve Your Career Goals

Computer games can be very addictive and annoying but this article talks about how we can learn about how to get where we want to be and adapt our behaviours to be successful. It talks about being persistent and flexible.

Are You At Risk For Poor Scores?

Working in global organizations, one thing is certain. You will get evaluated on your performance. Are your presentation skills putting you at risk for getting poor scores?

Music to Medicate Unemployment – 2

This is an update on the situation with our group of unemployed ladies from the first article Music to Medicate Unemployment. The ladies are learning a lot of new skills which includes learning to play an instrument. Some of them have even been going on more interviews which account for the positive state of mind among the others in the group. They are living in hope that our economy will make a sharp change for the better.

Video Is The New Post Card

Searching for affordable ways to connect with clients and prospects? Look no further. You’re about to learn the fastest way to stay in touch is right at your fingertips.

7 Secrets Of Irresistible Body Language

What’s the real secret to body language that will appeal to crazy-busy customers? How can you show your frazzled client that meeting with you is the very best use of their time? These 7-secrets reveal exactly what to do.

How to Become a Model At 15 – A Simplified Guide

There are so many youngsters from all around the world who would like to become models at a tender age. But the question that they all ask themselves is how they can become models at 15. Kids do not know the way forward and in order to become models at such a young age, they require guidance from their parents and professionals in the modeling profession.

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