How Much Does Gentle Whispering ASMR Make on YouTube

How to Ask Your Employer For a New Work Schedule

If you are working and you discover that things at home and your personal life are changing and there isn’t much that you can do about those changes, you might need to consider the fact that you may have to approach your boss about trying to get your work scheduled changed. This might seem like something you may not be able to do…

Speaking Clearly Is the Name of the Game in Business Today

In the past, you could afford to speak with a Brooklyn dialect because your business probably dealt with those who spoke the same way. Today, however, no matter where you live, business is global. What this means is that your clients and associates need to be able to understand your words. If not, your message is lost.

5 Useful Tips for Identifying Your Ideal Career

Taking action towards having your ideal career is easy (or at least it should be) once you have established what that ideal career is; but what to do if you simply don’t know how to start identifying it? I personally believe that we all know deep inside which activities, environment, type of people, bring us joy – thus we know that ideally we would like to be surrounded by such people or involved in such activities while doing our job.

Want To Succeed In Corporate America? Get A Mentor!

Working in corporate America can prove to be quite confusing if you don’t know how to play the game. Being oblivious is no excuse! Realize that there are power players in this environment and you must know how to play the game.

Important Personal Qualities That Will Help You Thrive As a Certified Nursing Assistant

Certified nursing assistants are especially valued in the medical and healthcare field because they are mainly used to take care of the basic physical and psychological needs of patients or residents at hospitals, clinics, nursing home, etc after taking the necessary CNA classes. It takes a special kind of person to succeed as a certified nursing assistant.

The Benefits of Nonprofit Jobs

I write a lot about nonprofit jobs, and I have gotten a lot of good feedback about it, and people are generally intrigued about the opportunity to working at a nonprofit organization. However, a lot of people still wonder why they should want to work at a nonprofit.

Career Change Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make!

Career change is just around the corner for many of us. Although it may be a major decision, you have a number of important things to consider before you go after a new career.

Finding A Massage Therapy Job: Should You Email or Mail Your Resume?

Imagine how much more impressive and powerful it is to receive a nicely presented package from an applicant compared to all the emailed resumes. What would that tell you about the applicant? (Most of the resumes I receive from therapists are via email, so when I get a mailed resume package, I seriously consider the applicant as someone I want to interview, just because they took the time to send a ‘real’ letter).

Career Advancement Information for Anyone

There are many people who would consider themselves students for life. They try their best to learn something new every day and look forward to learning more about things they are interested in.

Medical Assistants: Top Traits Needed To Be In A Medical Assistant Career

Medical assistants are found in a variety of health care-related fields but they all share several common traits. Do you have the most common traits required to join the medical assisting field?

Are You Settling in Your Career?

As a professional or executive woman, you are likely rolling along in your career. You have professional recognition, intellectual stimulation and challenge, a solid and reliable income, professional and personal relationships. Yet, sometimes they aren’t clicking or working for you. It’s time for a change. It’s time to stop settling.

You Are Fired: 5 Hidden Reasons For Getting Fired

Most of the employees who have quit their jobs think that they have left the company by choice, but in fact it is very possible that the company was considering letting them go before they resign willingly. Management may start using simple but powerful techniques to make you hate your job and leave.

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