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What Is An Aesthetician and How Much Does An Aesthetician Make?

You may have heard about people becoming aestheticians, either part time or by choosing it as a long-term career goal. It is possible that you have heard of this kind of work through friends, associates, or schoolmates. There is a certain attraction to this field for people who love to help other people look their best, while learning and practicing a valuable skill in the process.

Stuck In a Rut? Recognize and Change These 6 Business Potholes

Women have so many wonderful characteristics. But sometimes these wonderful characteristics can become liabilities to their business. Today’s smart business woman is beginning to see that her old ways of thinking and how she sees herself are not conducive to increasing her business reputation as well as her pocket book. Use these tips to recognize and avoid these business potholes!

Career Approval Comes From You

Most people look for approval from the outside. They want to feel good about their choices and career path. They want validation that they are doing the right things at the right time and are being understood and respected for their decisions. After all, who doesn’t want to hear the sound of applause or cheers due to their efforts? The truth is approval makes us feel better about ourselves.

Career Directions: Anywhere But Here

We can’t always quit when we experience discontentment, especially if we haven’t taken a step back to gain some perspective. Michael Beckwith says that people grow in two ways: through pain or through insight.

Are You Ready to Leap Into a New Career?

Are you ready to leap into a new career? What is your next step in pursuing the career of your dreams? I received an email recently from a new reader of my blog. Dale was 47, and had been working as a successful sales rep for a software company. Dale was also miserable in his job.

Are Electricians in Demand?

Highlights the availability of electrician jobs now and in the future. Also discusses some of the benefits the career offers someone just starting out.

How To Get ITIL v3 Training

ITIL v3 Training is one of the hottest training options available to IT people today. This training keys on the newest version of ITIL best practices and principles. These principles are being used by an ever increasing number of IT organizations. Not surprisingly, they also want their staff to get this training, but would prefer them to pay for it. This creates an opportunity for many people who get this training as not everyone will get the training because of the cost. Here, we take a look at how one goes about getting this training so you can get setup the right way.

Working With Self-Limiting Beliefs

This week’s lesson, working with self-limiting beliefs, is akin to developing more confidence. First, a little history of self-limiting beliefs is in order.

Obstacles Are Really Opportunities

When it comes to obstacles, the real barrier is found on the inside of ourselves – our own thinking! Coaching’s goal is to improve the quality of our thinking, and this week’s lesson is no exception. When it comes to your obstacles, re-frame them as opportunities.

Clarity Precedes Your Success!

Bar none, if you are not clear on what you want, you cannot ask. And if you cannot ask, you most likely will not receive. Time to throw away the wishful or magical thinking “others should read my mind,” “success is more special when it just happens,” and “patience, as in waiting without asking, is a virtue.” The fairy tales we were read to as young girls are just that-fairy tales. Sleeping Beauty, it is time to wake up and kick some butt in the area of your wanting! Make this your newest mantra: I am in charge of everything I get in life. Therefore, I commit to getting what I want.

Do You Feel Under-Appreciated At Work?

Many workers feel as if their efforts in the work place aren’t being aptly appreciated. Often both our managers and co-workers tend to overlook all that we do. So how can you as an employee demand a bit more respect?

Networking for the Aged 50+ Worker

There is a hiring crisis going on currently with the worker aged 50+. They have been squeezed out of the workforce, as having many workers of all ages, but the difference with the mature worker is that they are not being allowed back in. Employees who thought that they would retire with long-held jobs or who thought the option of always being able to pick up something new have had these dreams shattered.

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