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A Career Transition Coach Can Help

If you are looking for a career transition coach, you are not alone. More and more people are finding they need to change careers for many reasons. Coaches help people discover their reasons for wanting to change. They ask pointed questions to help people figure out what is missing.

Pell Grants: Free Money for a Brighter Future

Lucky are those who are blessed with unique talents or rich parents, but many of you may not have either of these options to finance your education. Scholarships are granted to those who have extraordinary capabilities, but if you are an average student with no financial backup, how would you continue with your education? US government has a solution to all your problems.

Retired Librarian Fulfills Life-Long Dream of Becoming a Writer

I am a freelance writer. I have been doing this part time for about seven years, along with my full time job as a librarian. I recently retired from the librarian position and am now working as a freelance writer on a full time basis. I would describe myself as curious, purposeful and practical. These are traits I find useful in a freelance environment.

Learning to Be Job Creative

Do we quit seeking for employment because economy is bad, unemployment is high, there are no jobs in our area of interest, or because we are tired of looking for jobs that do not exist? This is a time to be creative and think of individual passion. Individuals who resort to their passion do very well because they do what they like.

Stay in Business the Old Fashion Way By Simply Saying “Thank You”

During this period of economic contraction, it is difficult for most start up or small-scale businesses to lie on the surface and keep afloat. These businesses are thrashing about in stormy seas to meet their tasks dead on: utility bills, employee retention and salaries, stock purchases, supplier-customer relations, marketing and advertising campaigns, etc., etc.

Coaching Your Staff Tips for Female Entrepreneurs

A key skill for female entrepreneurs starting and growing a business today is coaching the best out of your people. Rather than telling them what to do; allow them to determine the best course of action through your coaching.

Preparing for a Military Career Transition: Degree or Certification?

With all the heavy marketing military veterans must suffer through from colleges, universities, and online degree mills, it’s no small wonder that vets are confused where to spend their time or money: on a degree or a certification. So, which is better: a college degree or an industry certification? Well, it depends on the employer, the job, and the requirements.

Veteran Uses GI Bill to Acquire a Computer Science Degree and a Great Career

This interview with a military veteran contains great information on the IT career path. Relevant to both civilians and veterans this interview details the day to day activities and tips on how to land your own programming job. Read the full interview to learn everything.

Business Grants: Achieve Your Dream Goal

Have you ever thought of winning free money to meet all your needs? The US government decides to grant this wish to its citizens.

Career Tips for Breaking Into Wall Street

For candidates seeking careers in finance, breaking into Wall Street can seem as likely as winning the lottery. Success requires time, determination, and a willingness to push your game to the next level.

These Career Boxes Sure Are Uncomfortable!

Does your career have to unfold in a straight line? Can your career be a winding path made up of all the things you love to do? This article provides insights from the author’s own career journey to consider these questions.

Five Unprofessional Behaviours to Avoid At Work

In my previous post, I highlighted five things you can do to be more professional at work. In this article, I outline some similar tips, but from a different angle. These five behaviours are things that may be acceptable outside the workplace, but while you’re at work – and trying to be professional – you should eliminate these if you do them.

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