How Much Does Samantha R Olmsted Make on YouTube

How to Become a Successful Medical Assistant

Deciding to become a medical assistant can be overwhelming. How do I become one, what kinds of certification would be required? What are the best schools that offer these courses?

From A CNA Training Class To Nursing School – What The Daily Responsibilities Of Nurses Are

Some people use the opportunity of taking a CNA training class to become a certified nursing/nurse’s assistant/aide (CNA) as a stepping stone to other healthcare careers such as becoming a nurse. If you are considering going from a CNA training class to nursing school and are wondering what the daily responsibilities of nurses are, this article shares some of this information so that you can make an informed decision on whether this is the next step in the healthcare field for you to take or not.

Models Keeping Balance – Not Just on the Runway

A model needs balance… not just “balance” on the runway, but in their personal career and personal life. Unique beauty on the “outside”, as well as unique beauty on the “inside”, is the harmonious balance that most models should always work on. Modeling is appealing to those that enjoy being center of attention, but just by enjoying that place in front of others is not necessarily enough. Projecting confidence versus being arrogant is a fine line that male and female models (& non-models) often struggle with.

5 Mistakes Women Make in Dressing for the Boardroom

Given that women are a minority in certain professions (and at the higher echelons of many organizations), it’s crucial that women invest in their wardrobes to ensure that they ‘look the part’. Doing a good job is not enough to succeed!

Why A Dream Isn’t Enough To Succeed In Business

If you have been researching starting your own business or are a fan of motivational speakers you have probably been told again and again that all you have to do is have a dream and believe and you can make it happen. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is going to take a little more than that.

The Different Jobs in a Beauty Salon

The different jobs in a beauty salon may be limited to receptionists, hair stylists, managers and/or owners in a basic hair salon, but these days, most salons are branching out and offering a variety of services. Some beauticians work on nails, while others work on the face and skin, do waxing, and/or specialize in hair coloring, as opposed to cutting and styling. If you’re thinking about entering a career in the field of beauty, there are many different salon jobs to choose from.

Career Chameleon 2.0: Five Tips You Need to Know Before Changing Industries

Sometimes, our careers take a sudden right turn, either because we are tired of our work, we are the victim of a layoff, or our industry becomes a dying dinosaur. Here are some great tips to help you navigate the baffling transition of taking your transferable skills and applying them to an entirely new field.

What Veterinary Technician Majors Don’t Learn in School

What veterinary technician majors don’t learn in school is in some ways more important than what they do learn in school, although the coursework of a required vet tech program is obviously indispensable for anyone pursuing this career. There are many things you should already know and many skills you should innately possess before beginning a veterinary technician degree or certificate program. There are also many things you will learn on the job that you will probably not learn in school.

Helpful or Harmful? The Real Costs of Going to Work Sick

Feeling crummy? Really want to pull the covers over your head and not go to work, but the fear of ‘not being there’ is overwhelming? You are not alone. Here’s an employer’s viewpoint about the real cost of going to work sick and some possible compromises.

How to Leave a Job on the Best of Terms

Leaving a job, for what you hope are greener pastures, can be a tricky ordeal. Maybe you are planning to work at another job, for another employer, or perhaps you have decided to take the leap and become an entrepreneur, working for yourself. Whatever you choose to do with the rest of your life, you should follow this guideline to make the transition smooth.

“Leading Change” Writing and Evaluation Strategies for the Senior Executive Service

The ability to Lead Change is a critical and exceptional executive competency. Leading Change is the first Executive Core Qualification that is required to write and prove in order to apply for a Senior Executive Service Application. The official definition also requires that the Leading Change examples include 6 leadership competencies: Creativity and innovation, external awareness, flexibility, resilience, strategic thinking and vision.

The Flight Attendant Salary

Have you ever wondered what flight attendants get paid? The job appears to be glamorous enough. You get to travel all over for free and all you have to do is serve some food and drink on the flight and maybe get a pillow or blanket for a passenger. At least that is how we the passenger view the flight attendant position. In reality, there is more to the position than meets the eye.

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