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What Are the Duties of an Assistant Accountant?

An accountant has to take a series of certification tests, so that they can become a Certified Public Accountant, an assistant accountant may have almost the same amount of education but they may have fallen short by a couple of years, and they have not taken the licensure tests. An assistant accountant is largely responsible for the same tasks as the accountant but they do not have that CPA status so they are delegated most of the duties that the accountant does not want to do themselves.

What Do Finance Assistant Jobs Cover?

Finance assistant jobs cover a broad category of different careers. There are folks that work under this category that assist the book keeper of a small business, than there are folks that work as assistant accountants in very large firms, and it seems that there are positions every where in between the two extremes that work under this category.

What Duties Are Often Included in an Accounting Job Description?

An accounting job description will outline all the duties that are expected from an accounting position. There are many duties that are expected from an accounting job. Surprisingly enough the description may use somewhat vague language to not scare off the candidate.

Getting Into ACCA Jobs and Careers

ACCA jobs are accounting jobs. They are very abundant because meeting the qualifications can be somewhat difficult. There is a lot of formal schooling involved and there are certification tests that have to be passed.

3 Reasons to Become a Games Tester

If you are a gaming fanatic and you are facing the bleak prospect of working a 9 to 5 office job for the rest of your life, then maybe you should start looking into a more exciting career. The gaming industry is huge and if you are passionate about video games, then you can find a career that is right up your alley.

Component 3 of Career Management – Congeniality

When it comes to career management, eight components will make or break your career. These components consist of whom you know, what you know, congeniality, appearance, punctuality, attendance, attitude, and performance.

Your First Year in the Corporate World – A Solution to Succeed With TAIL

Your first year in the Corporate World can be challenging and exciting. This article focuses on four guiding principles that I use on a daily basis.

Security Guard Training

Security personnel are an unique group of vital service providers and as such more people are going to school to be a private security provider. Most security guard positions in the US now requires specialist training at a special school and subsequent certification. There are many opportunities for those considering a career in the security services and potential employers include most kinds of public premises operators, whether corporate or county, state and federal government departments.

More Cash, Less Work With Joint Ventures

What if there was a way for you to increase your business profits and improve your customer care without adding personnel, equipment or expenses? There is, in the form of joint ventures (JVs).

Getting Moms Back to Work – 5 Steps to Getting Rid of Resume Wrinkles

Leaving the workforce to raise kids has wreaked havoc on your career, your confidence and your competitive edge. No two ways about it, if you’re re-entering the workforce after more than a two year absence it’s time to take a good look at what you have to offer (besides chicken nuggets on a Friday night!)

What is a Recession? Its a Great Time to Start a Home Based Business

Are you one of the many that still asking, “what is a recession?” Are you still suffering because of the recession? Don’t allow the economic recession take you down because, it’s a time for many to prosper. It’s a time of opportunity. It’s time to start a home based business.

The Nursing As a Career

Even in times of high unemployment, there always seems to be a shortage of trained nurses. If you are an organized person with the ability to pay attention to detail and follow procedures, and like helping people, nursing is a good career with many different levels and opportunities.

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