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Types of Jobs

Jobs are the fuel that keep society going.  There are many types of jobs that help keep society functioning in different ways.  Depending on their purpose, jobs help ensure that society function effectively.

Career Advice – Use Skepticism As a Positive Force

Skepticism has gotten a bum rap in the lore of career coaching. The fact is that skepticism is a positive force that successful managers apply regularly in reaching their career goals. As individuals, those with real-world smarts accept few things at face value, while organizations tend to accept without questions the decisions made by the system, especially if they are based on reams computer printouts. There are six common sense rules that guide careerists in the skillful application of skepticism.

Dream Job – Career Planning Strategies That Work

When planning for a new career, the traditional starting place is, “Who am I?” We often ignore “What is my current situation?” and “What are my dreams?” Yet, finding the answers to these questions will provide insight when choosing a career. With proper planning, you can find a dream job that fits your temperament and your lifestyle.

Career Survival Strategies For a Down Economy

The recent crescendo of layoffs and company shutdowns has made even the strongest willed shudder at fear of their unknown future. The massive uncertainty in today’s job market has brought consumer spending to a screaming halt and companies appear to be planning for more personnel restructuring. Here are some tips on how to keep the job you have and if you are unemployed, how to get back to work quickly.

How to Creatively Change Careers

In these tremulous times, when thousands of people are unemployed and the looming depression is threatening to displace many more, a career change into different work then you have been doing might become a necessity, not just a luxury for dreamers, wannabes and malcontents. A career change after a certain age and years spent in one profession is one of the most difficult things to effectively achieve. It’s not a matter of simply learning new skills.

Is There a Perfect Job Out There For You?

Many people aren’t happy in their current jobs and dream of finding the ideal career, but is there a perfect job for you? And if so, how do you find it?

Career Advice – Friendship With the Boss Won’t Insure Success

Never depend on a friendship with your boss to insure career success. Think of the relationship as a business deal, a step forward on your career path. You have something to sell–your skills and knowledge. The boss is a buyer. The price paid is an investment that must earn a profit if the employer is to stay in business.

Career Advice – Admit You Need Help, Build Your Strengths

Never be afraid to admit you need help and then ask for it. Many careerists, otherwise smart and capable, hamstring themselves by believing they lose face if they admit they need assistance. Career Tip: To the contrary, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is just the opposite; it is a sign of strength and maturity.

Survive and Thrive – Extraordinary Times Call For Extraordinary Career Planning

Career planning in extraordinary times, such as we are experiencing in the current financial crisis, can be challenging, but may result in even greater career opportunities. This article describes what we need to do to assure our future career success.

Career Advice – Bosses Are Human, Too, in Tough Times

Bosses, by their very nature, are not always warm and cozy figures. Turbulent economic times don’t make them any easier to get along with. The wise careerists double their efforts to take pressure off the boss and make him look good in the eyes of the organization.

Career Planning System – Your Roadmap To Success

Everyone aims to be successful in their chosen career, the problem is that not all are successful with this common goal. Here are some basic facts on how you can reach that goal.

Proper Career Planning – Job Categories And Employment Agencies

This article will guide you on how to search for a job. It provides tips on how to become a successful applicant. It provides information that can help you search for the job that is right for you.

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