How Much Does The king of DIY Make on YouTube

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Presidential Bodyguard?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Presidential Bodyguard? What skills and requirements are needed? Well we have your answers here!

To Have a Bodyguard or To Be One

Have you ever wondered if you should hire a bodyguard or learn the skills to be one? We help you make your decision.

Think on Work-Life Balance

Why is this so? Why are so many American workers determined to spend less of their working day at work? Some feel that this is an answer to their employer for having to work too much.

The Key to Unlocking Your Successful Career: The Top Lessons From 2012 for Managing Your Career

As the year comes to a close, it is an excellent time to begin reflecting on the past year and the improvements you can make in all areas of your life. Before you know it, you will be trying to implement those New Year’s resolutions, so why not start now? Whether you are looking for a job, growing in your current job, or moving to a better job, these lessons we gathered in 2012, will give you the keys to unlock your successful career.

4 Ways a Mentor Can Help Your Career

Some of the most important things you need to learn about a professional career will never be taught in a classroom or in the training that your future employer may provide. While it is extremely important to be competent at what you do, being good isn’t enough when it comes to navigating the politics and culture of an organization. A mentor, typically a seasoned professional who has had experience in the role that you currently hold and has achieved higher positions, can help you in many ways.

Ways Of Deciding Which Career Is More Suitable For You

It is essential for each individual, especially young adults who have graduated from high school, to make one of the most important decisions of their lives, which is about what direction to take for their career. Some people are extremely sure about what they want to do with their lives, or they have been planning for a very long time, which career path they want to take, whereas some are confused and feel out of place, and so have trouble deciding which career is right for them.

6 Ways to Choose Your Dream Job

Most of us, when it comes to choosing a career have doubts over what we’d want to become. Given the Indian Education System, this is not new for with this system, most of us don’t get chances to explore themselves. As a result, we end up going for careers that are not up to our taste. Every one of us has a hidden talent and if only we discover that talent and nourish it by opting the career of our choice, our profession would not become a chore for us. People who go for the careers they want never feel that they are working, for they enjoy their work so much.

Essential Things To Do If You Are Starting A Job Search In The New Year

It is a sad fact of life that many people find themselves unemployed at the start a new year. It is not uncommon for employers to make major adjustments to the manpower levels in December. If you are one of the unlucky ones this can leave you having to look for gainful employment at a time when all the bills are dropping through the letter box after the Christmas period. To ensure that your search for paid employment gets off to the best possible start, it is essential to focus on the following.

7 Tips to Avoid Getting Laid Off

There is no magic bullet to ensure that you will you never get laid off. But keeping your skill set current, staying positive, and looking for ways to remain valuable and relevant to your organization will minimize your risk.

Are There Any Online Businesses That Require No Investment?

If you’re looking to break free of the 9 to 5 grind, but find yourself short on cash, you might be wondering if there are any online businesses that require no investment. You’ll be glad to know that there are actually quite a few!

Upgrade Your Enterprise Architect Career in 2013

Just like all good goal-setters do at this time of year, a reflection of your career in Enterprise Architecture is warranted at either year end or beginning of the year. Whether you are pondering a career in Enterprise Architecture, or you are an experienced practitioner evaluating your Enterprise Architecture career path, this article provides ten steps to setting up a solid plan for career growth in 2013.

An Unconventional But Very Easy To Implement Tip To Gain Access To The Unadvertised Job Market

The beginning of the year will see many people embarking on the search for a new job. Over the holiday period, it is quite usual to scour the job boards, newspapers, and the Internet for employment opportunities. The problem is there are many people doing exactly the same thing. How then do you differentiate yourself and in so doing put yourself ahead in the race?

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