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How His Beliefs Sold Millions of Bras!

Through your beliefs, you create your own reality. Here’s an interesting story which illustrates how the powers of belief can lead to a filtering of different perceptions.

Have You Begun Designing Your Path to Success?

I believe that nothing significant and sustainable is achieved ever by chance but happens only because of design. Let us now look at people who have achieved tremendous success in life.

Getting a Job As a Newspaper Cartoonist

Getting a job as a newspaper cartoonist can be very challenging, but it can also be a very rewarding thing to do. While some may view the job is difficult because you have to constantly think of new ideas, it’s actually not that difficult for most writers.

Great Part-Time Jobs Tips

Are you considering part-time jobs to supplement your current income? Read the following information before finding the supplemental time and a half job.

What Do You Really Want in Your Life?

Every year, thousands of people attend my seminars to find out and discover how they can increase the quality of their lives and get the results they want. I believe the reason why you are reading this article is similar to all those who have attended or have a desire to attend the seminars I conduct.

The Right Way to Respond to Setbacks

You will benefit yourself by remembering this formula, E+R=O. E is our environment, the external world. R is our response and O is the outcome.

Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back From Your Goals?

What beliefs could be preventing you from taking action and realizing your full potential? What beliefs could be causing you to miss out on opportunities? What are some of your beliefs, that because of them, you never took that step, you never committed yourself, you never stretched yourself?

If It’s Possible For Someone, It’s Possible For You!

If someone is extremely good in being creative, so can you. You can generate the same ideas. The only thing is that you have to find out how do they mentally do it, what is their strategy. If someone is extremely motivated every single day to accomplish his goals and focused in doing what he wants, can you produce the same result? Of course you can!

Some Elements of Pre-Employment Screening That You Simply Cannot Afford to Get Wrong

These days, most people in employment decision making positions take pre-employment screening seriously. They have good reason to. A number of unfortunate incidences in the recent past have shown us the type and extent of harm employing people without screening them can have on organizations.

Evening Work – Stay at Home Moms’ Extra Money

If finding work to help support your family during economic times is tough, try evening work. There are more jobs for evening work with less competition for them.

Out of Work? Try Night Shift Jobs

If you are out of work and have run out of options due to lack of job opportunities, maybe its time to consider another alternative. Get a night shift job.

I Want To Be Rich – Which Career Should I Choose?

Are you in the process of choosing a career or making a career change and you figure as long as you’re doing it you might as well plan to be rich? Can you really do that?

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