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7 Ways to Increase Your Market Value

In these times of economic uncertainties, one of the best things you can do is work on increasing your value in the market place. These 7 tips are a sure way to make you more valuable and therefore increase your income.

Do You Have Curb Appeal at Job Interviews?

You wrote your resume, conducted research on the company, and rehearsed question-and-answer scenarios for more than a week. You are extremely prepared. In fact, you even did a dry run to the company’s office building to time your commute.

Is it Time to Move On? When is it Time to Change Jobs?

Is it the time? Do you really think so? Even in this economy to quit your job? Many think to themselves “I would love to get out of here – permanently.” How do you determine when it’s time to go?

Career Searching in Tough Times – The New Career

In this challenging job market, there are no guarantees. Competition is keen, challenging, intense and furious. There are no givens about jobs/positions or careers that are “familiar” or pay and benefits that are commensurate with where you are, or have been., for example, reports many workers are doing what they never thought possible – looking for work outside their chosen career area and/or working for less pay.

5 Ways to Guide Your Graphic Design Job Hunt

Graphic Design jobs span across various types of companies. After reading this article, you will have a straight forward way of approaching finding a job in the Graphic Design industry.

Book on a Career As a College Professor

There is no single definitive book on a career as a college professor. However, there is a plethora of books on associated topics. Take the time to determine the types of information you need and then search out books on these subjects. However, you should keep in mind that these books do not necessarily contain definitive information about the subject since they are a compilation of the thoughts, ideas, and experiences of the Arthurs. I love browsing college bookstores, especially those of large universities and find textbooks in my field, books on how to teach in my field, and other beneficial books in the reference section. Finally, If you are looking for guidance, a viable supplement to reading books on a career as a college professor is to go to your local colleges and universities and talk to the their professors.

To Degree Or Not to Degree – That is the Question

With famous successes like Bill Gates and Mary Kay Ash as examples, it’s easy to ask yourself whether or not a degree is a necessity anymore.   The answer, predictably, is “that depends.”   Depends on what?

Finding a Travel Nursing Job – Where to Start

As a nurse, what better way to develop your skills and expand your horizons than to travel around the country (or the world) and work in two to three different places in a year’s time? All this is possible when you get into travel nursing.

The Fastest Way to Advance From LPN to RN

While moving from LPN to RN is relatively easy to do after earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, many LPNs find that they do not have the time or luxury to take the time off to concentrate on their studies and therefore have to keep on postponing their chance of advancing their career and becoming an RN.

Legal Issues and Considerations Every Nurse Should Know About

Now more than ever, being adept in the legal issues relevant to the nursing practice is necessary to avoid malpractice suits and other potentially damaging legal consequences that can cause you to lose your license and bar you from practicing nursing for the rest of your life. Below are some of the legal considerations you need to be aware of as a nurse.

How to Deal With a Job You Hate

How do you deal with a job you hate? Some say just quit but many times, although it’s always an option, it’s not the best option at moment. If you hate your job, and it’s something you will do for most of your life, you will end up hating your life. Do not let that happen.

Looking For a New Job While You Have One – Get Two Job Offers and Collect Your Just Rewards

Looking for a new job when you’ve already got one gives you the best chance for success in finding an ideal job. There is no better position to be in than having two job offers, having two companies compete for your services. Put yourself in that position and you’re sure to get great offers and maximize your earnings and benefits.

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