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Qualifications and Experience

We all undertake academic qualifications for a variety of different reasons. Perhaps our choice of degree in university was dictated by what we felt we excelled with in high school, or what we felt interested in at that particular time.

Working at a Hotel

When it comes to finding a job, the possibilities are endless. There are so many different types of jobs to choose from.

Top Tips For Happiness at Work

How happy you are at work depends largely of course on how much you actually like your job. But even those who love what they do have a bad day once in a while. There are however some simple things you can do to make each and every day a little brighter and more productive:

How to Land an Interview With a Celebrity

Are you a freelance journalist looking for your big break? Are you just dying to interview somebody cool enough, somebody known enough that will help boost your career status? Who better than a celebrity, right? But, how do you go about getting an interview with an A-list celebrity? Well, it takes some learning.

No Matter Where You Live There is Free Forklift Driver Training

Most people do not know that in many areas around the world you can actually find free forklift driver training. Today’s economy is a very difficult place to survive, and it is only getting tougher. In most countries of the world the unemployment rate is rising in a way that we have not seen in many years.

Self Awareness and Negotiation

One of the soft skills which your IT architecture coach will help you develop is the art of self-awareness. When you are negotiating to influence others your natural instinct is to leap into action because time seems of the essence. In fact, the best thing you can do, (which is the most important secret), is to begin by thinking about your own position.

Top IT Architects Are Products of Their Habits

Average people think that habits are something they need to break, such as eating too much or smoking. Peak performers know that successful habits are what create their success.

IT Architects and Group Negotiations

There are many things you need to do to manage groups in complex multi-party discussions. There is a lot to consider. The actual conditions of the meetings such as lighting, noise level, air quality and temperature, where people are placed, group size and seating pattern are all-important. If the meeting is going to last a long time remember that larger rooms give more opportunities for people to spread out and be comfortable.

Tips For a Successful Workplace Training Course

Workplace training courses occupy a massive part of many industries with annual, bi-annual and even monthly updating programs and training course designed to expand skills and the knowledge base of a company and its employees. So how maximize the potential of these training courses to get the most out of it and get improved results?

Internet Schemes in Telecommuting – How to Spot Them

Internet scammers have found a way to make a killing off preying on people like us. Found out how you can protect yourself when searching for telecommuting jobs.

What it Will Cost to Get a Job Offshore?

If amongst other options you are seriously considering getting a job offshore on an oil rig or a offshore marine job on a standby or supply vessel then you have to look at these as a basic guide to just get started. Firstly you need to obtain proper offshore survival training, Basic Safety Induction & Emergency Training (BOSIET). This is a breakdown of what’s involved for work in Europe.

“Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed” is Not an Option!

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed is not an option; productivity and success is! As business owners, an unproductive day could be the difference between successfully closing the deal, meeting that deadline or even completing a big task, versus not making money and possibly payroll this month. Not making money is not an option.

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