How Much Does The Cheap Chick Make on youtube

10 Predictors Of Success At Work

How likely are YOU to be successful on the job? How likely is it that others perceive you as already successful or potentially successful? The ten attributes and skills discussed in this article–or lack of them–predict whether you will actually succeed in the workplace or merely stagnate. Make a conscious effort to develop each one of them and watch your career take off!

Upside-Down Bell Curve = Opportunity Knocking For Job Seekers

I had a great conversation last week with a friend, Laurie Storey-Manseau. She owns an integrated marketing agency that specializes in web design and social media usage in NH. She’s realized what many business owners have recently: We are just about on the other side of the recession’s upside-down bell curve… and that means opportunity is knocking for everyone. Especially, for some job seekers.

Nobody Wants to Lead the Corporate Dance

Back in November, I wrote a post about the show The Office and how the anti-management attitude displayed on the show was affecting employees. Today, I got the following from Randstad, one of the two staffing firms that does annual workplace surveys which I quoted in the post. Their newest survey indicates the trend is growing…

Have You Considered Becoming a Clinical Nurse Consultant? Can You Handle It?

A clinical nurse consultant can be a very rewarding career move. With the proper training, you literally can take your pick of any of the various health and medical issues, such as diseases, neo-natal, women’s and men’s issues, etc. You will generally have input on treatment, various procedures, and also teaching others that work in your area of expertise. If you feel that you are the person that can perform these types of duties, we encourage you to get more information.

3 Important Ways to Boost a Home Inspection Business

Starting up a home inspection business is a very challenging task. The inspection process requires specific knowledge and experience so that a house or a building can be examined effectively. Currently, this typical service is highly demanded by people who are buying or selling real properties. First thing first, when you are in the midst of setting up your business, it is important for you to consult a reliable attorney to ensure that your business is set up properly according to the legal requirements. Next, it is time to look into your business strategy. Below are some important ways to boost your business.

So You Want to Become a Nurse – Go For It, It’s Never Too Late!

The current nursing profession is really “hot” with so many openings available across the country. If you are an individual, male or female, who has a desire to care for other individuals who badly need your help, the nursing profession might be just what you are looking for. You’ll have the opportunity after your schooling and training, to enter into a speciality that you like. I mention this as well, don’t let age hold you back. I know of individuals in their 40’s and early 50’s who began that journey, and are now RN’s and really are loving it! Please don’t hesitate…Go for it.

Top 5 Facts You Don’t Know About a Professional Home Inspector

A home inspector is a professional who is responsible to examine and evaluate the conditions of properties for sale. Do you know that not everybody can be a home inspector easily? To make a living in the home inspection business is not a simple task.

What to Do When the Boss is a Jerk

You’re beat. It’s been a long month. You note the clock says 3:10. You need a break. Your boss walks into your cubicle and drenches any plans of you roaring at a game.

The Unwritten Rules Rule

There’s a classic scene in the movie, A League of Their Own, when manager Tom Hanks sees one of his outfielders approaching the dugout and she’s crying. He says (actually yells), “Crying?! There’s no crying in baseball!” Hmmm … now where would that be in the player’s policy manual? It’s not.

Can You Change Careers at 40 Or is it Too Late?

Wanting to change careers at 40 or 50 is common, but is it too late? Some tips to help you make good career decisions in midlife.

When an Assistant Manager Should Consider Moving On

You as an assistant manager have been placed in every department when there is a problem consistently obtaining outstanding results. In the District you are known and have received accolades from the District GM but have never been mentioned for any of the 5 GM positions awarded in the past year.

Becoming a Coach – 6 Career Transition Tips

If you have decided to transition into a coaching career while still holding another job here are some tips for a smooth transition. Obtain a coaching certification…

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