Is it Time to Change Your Career?
Even in these tough economical times employment opportunities are out there and you don’t have to stay with the job that you dislike. The average working week is around 40 hours or more therefore, being unhappy at work is being unhappy for significant portion of your lifetime.
Leaving the Law For Writing – Where to Start?Law is like a bad marriage – easy to get into; hard to get out of. The primrose path starts in earnest in college, when you pore over the websites and request the glossy brochures. You might even talk to a couple of real-live law students – all of them hard-driving and full of enthusiasm.
A Good Time For Computer TrainingWith unemployment on the rise there has never been such a good time for getting some computer training. Even if you have a job at the moment, none of us can be sure that it will last and so it is a really good idea to work hard at trying to get our qualifications up to date.
Secure Your Career Path and Excel During RecessionThe most full-proof way to keep your job during recession is to excel at it. Go above and beyond in your duties, be proactive during work, and excel at everything you do. In a nutshell, do something great. Making things happen at your job that will get the attention of your superiors and colleagues is essential. We can’t simply follow our job descriptions, take things literally and at their bottom line, but do what is best, and do it with excellence at work.
5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your JobThe recession has most people worried about their jobs lately but there are some ways you can make yourself indispensable as an employee. Here are 5 ways you can make your boss appreciate you more and as an additional bonus, you will like your job better, too.
Chiropractic Salary – What Can You Expect to Earn As a Chiropractor?How much money you make as a chiropractor depends first and foremost on whether you are hired as an employee or run your own practice. Chiropractic employees typically work for other chiropractors or for Western medical doctors. This scenario tends to be much more limiting in its long-term potential, as one will often seek out employment for immediate financial stability.
If You Want a Job in R & D As a Project Manager – Read Case StudiesA good solid project manager who has a lot of experience on many projects over their career is worth their weight in gold. They have the experience in all types of situations, and in overcoming mistakes from their team, dealing with management, staying on time, and dealing with personnel conflicts. Of course, you have to feel sorry for all the companies they worked for before they got that knowledge and wisdom because they’re the ones that paid for all that wonderful knowledge, and real world experience.
How Long Until a Robot Steals Your Career?It’s amazing how many jobs no longer exist in our society due to innovations in machinery and technology. If you will just stop and think about it you’ll be amazed at the changes in the last hundred years. However, you will be truly amazed in the future by how many jobs will be replaced by things like artificial intelligence, and robotic apparatus.
Tips on How to Impress Your BossIn this highly competitive market, it’s always a good idea to impress your boss. You don’t need to become a yes person to impress your superior. There are many other simple ways to grab their attention.
Four Reasons to Pursue Home Care TrainingBoth your career and your personal life provide good reasons to pursue home care training. You will have the skills to do many valuable things with such an education.
Chief Architect’s Big Three Strategic SecretsThe chief architect may be heads down in putting together an EA Program, Plan or Roadmap, but day to day work must remain on their mind. It is critical that the chief architect or enterprise architect act as a strategic advisor to the CIO. There are strategies and tactics that both empower the chief architect, as well as to keep them focused. Knowing these three strategic secrets at all times will ensure their success as the leader in the architecture program within their enterprise.
Clothing and Hygiene in the WorkplaceIn corporate America, you simply cannot go wrong by dressing conservatively. You can, however, put yourself at great risk by daring to dress provocatively, sloppily, or in a manner that signifies that little thought has gone into your grooming.