How Much Does Michael Jamison Make On YouTube

Work History – Don’t Trivialize Your Past Experiences!

After writing numerous resumes for students and recent graduates, I found that the vast majority of them tend to omit part-time or temporary jobs from their resumes. A lot of students have experience working in either the retail or hospitality sector, and because these jobs are not “real jobs” or full-time positions, a lot of students do not feel the need to include them. “Why would I write that I worked there on my resume?

Picking Between Getting a Job Or Work From Home Online

Unemployment rates vary from one state to the next. Some are going to be higher than others. One thing for certain is many people are looking for work, or trying to find work from home online. Let me give you a few tips on using the Internet for your next job.

Changing Jobs? How to Make Your Resignation More Professional

In the aftermath of the recession, many British workers value job stability and security over career advancement. But for those of you who are keen for a change or a new challenge, here are some ways in which you can make your resignation as smooth as possible.

Strategic Human Capital Management

Given the poor hiring climate many workers, that are lucky enough to still be employed, are simply grateful that they are. Because of this, now hardly seems like a time to analyze and rate your employer to see if this is a good place to work or not.

Career Management – Making Your Movie

Recent years have seen successful executives increasingly realise that the best succession planning in business is a combination of external recruitment and growth of internal talent. In these times of economic downturn, making the most of what you have got is common sense.

Made Redundant and Looking to Set Up Your Own Business?

Earlier this week I spent a day with a group of fellow business owners discussing ways of promoting our businesses. This was a fairly diverse group, in that we are all selling different things so whilst our offerings were varied we all understand the need to tell others about the superiority of our product and the quality of our service. However there was something else which kept coming to the top of the list which I for one had underestimated.

Why the Modern World of Business Needs an Increasingly Highly Educated Workforce

The modern, global economic climate has changed significantly over the last couple of years. But some things remain the same: and the need for a skilled workforce is one of them.

How to Obtain Patent Agent Jobs

It should be noted that those looking for jobs as patent professionals do not necessarily need to have a bachelor’s degree in one of the areas approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office. They can apply as Category B or C applicants if they do not possess a bachelor’s degree in an approved area.

Do You Have a Generous No?

We are living in a time in which more and more of us are starting from NO and we desperately need new possibilities. Have you not returned phone calls, not knowing what opportunities might be presented?

Can You Smell Opportunity? Do You Know It When You Smell It? You Will Get Ahead If You Do

Every promotion I ever received was the result of solving a problem and distinguishing myself from the other employees as someone who could do more! I saw many people run from problems because they feared failure or getting mixed up in a mess. I learned early on that management wants people to solve problems and if they do, give them bigger opportunities. And, more money and future!

Questions to Ask When Working For a Startup

Working for a startup can be one of the riskiest career moves you can make. In order for you to ensure the greatest possible success, you must make sure you deliver great value to the company and you are compensated generously for your efforts.

Preparing For Success in the Real World

The late Dr. Kalbag’s Vigyana set up an Ashram as an experiment. His goal: teaching school dropouts vocational skills to set up their own businesses. Against all odds, it has been very successful.

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