Lost Your Job Or Been Made Redundant – What Do You Do?
Do not let anyone fool you: redundancy is hard, it strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest and it is very hard to come to terms with. Often people think that redundancy won’t happen to them, but the reality is that in a recession this deep, it really can affect anyone.
Diversification in Life is a Prescription For MediocrityThe cultural disease of our times: lack of attention to one goal, one thought one path at a time. Our energies are too scattered and diffused. We can’t accomplish any thing of significance. We glorify “multi-tasking” as an asset, a sign of flexibility and a measure of adaptability. This leads to our downfall. In the early stages of a new business venture, a goal or anything new, you must devote all energies to that one thing with a singleness of purpose, with unswerving zeal and unshakable commitment. Once you are far enough along and you have built physical, emotional or behavioral systems necessary to take over and reaching the end is simply a matter of following the well-trodden path, you can move on to another goal. But until then, it has to be the only thing on your mind, if you want success. Some things are hard to accomplish on our own, even with iron-will and laser-sharp focus. Then you need to turn to a life coach who can help you get there faster or with greater ease.
Working Mothers and Office PoliticsIt is really tough to be a mother as well as work in an office. As far as the office is concerned I really feel that different staffs play different types of politics in the office.
Establish a Business Plan When FreelancingFreelancing seems like an easy opportunity to gain revenue, but professionals do not realize that it takes a business plan to be profitable. Do not take freelancing lightly when you consider doing it part-time, or full-time. You have to approach the process as if you are an established company looking to turn a profit.
Can I Quit?He through his check down on the table and stormed off into his bed room;slammed the door and I heard the radio come on. You know how kids are with their loud music.
4 Ways For You to Show Your Bosses They Need YouThe Hay Group having recently released a survey of 140 large companies suggesting 90pc of them plan “significant cost reduction programmes” this financial year. That prediction equates to as many as 620,000 lost posts, with 160,000 in the next month or two. If you’re position is under threat what strategies might you adopt to try and give you a fighting chance of retaining your job?
Using an Internship to Start a Medical CareerFor someone who is not quite sure whether a medical career is really right for them, it can be a very good idea to spend some time looking into a medical career. Because of the wide range of jobs and fields that are available in the medical industry, it is really easy to select the wrong career. In order to really find a job that you are satisfied with, you should expect to spend some time looking around over all of the options.
3 Ways to Build Your Clip File As an Unpublished WriterIf you would like to break into commercial freelance writing for print publications such as magazines and newspapers, you will likely face the unpublished writer’s dilemma. Everyone wants to publish writers who are already published. So, how do you “break in?” Try these three techniques.
When No One Will Hire YouCan’t find a job, because no one will hire you? This may be the opportunity you need to start your own successful business.
Magazines – 7 Terms to Know If You Want to Get a Job Selling AdvertisingOften dependent on advertising sales for revenue, magazines are often an easy place to break into the business. Understanding the basics of these terms will help you in an interview, and also prepare you to ask the right questions of the publication.
Career Advice – Breaking Down Career MythsThere are many truisms and old sayings about how to get ahead in life. You’re probably extremely familiar with, “early bird catches the worm.” Or “As we work for the boss, the boss works for us.” There are plenty of other lame career oriented old sayings out there (I’ll spare you any more hokey phrases), but how many of them actually ring true. Here are a few common career myths coupled with a dose of actuality – consider this one big tip of reality:
5 Simple Steps to Take Advantage in a Downturn EconomyMany businesses struggle in this economy that stresses about ways to stretch the dollar and gain customers to maintain business goals. In the month that started with April Fools, it seems fitting to talk about ways to avoid the pranks of an economic recession. No matter what industry or business, the problems and issues facing business owners might seem insurmountable in any economy; however, there are ways to make the most of a downturned economy to help business flourish and grow.