How Much Does the Luxury Travel Expert Make on YouTube

Top Tips For Re-Entering Corporate Life – Part Two

Here are some more top tips for combining motherhood and a corporate career without losing your health or sanity. This second part of my three part series is all about planning, getting a support system and knowing the right moments for mentioning your family commitments.

Residual Income Sources Prove Pivotal in Today’s Economy

Considering the type of economy that we are currently faced with, it could prove beneficial to keep one eye open for opportunities that revolve around making a supplementary income. Whether you enjoy working online or in the brick and mortar world, an individual should seek out hobby like opportunities that are really appealing, and figure out how such an opportunity can materialize into a secondary money making venture.

Finding a Job After College in a Recession – Can it Be Done?

Growing up, we are taught that if you work hard and stay on the right path then it will pay off. When our economy is in a recession, do these rules still apply? I just graduated from a top notch, east coast, business school back in May and am happy to say that I now have a job.

Do I Have What it Takes?

Today, we are going to discuss a career in sales. In the last entry, I brought up some of the pitfalls of owning your own storefront business (retail sales). As I mentioned, I don’t mean to sound negative, just trying to be a realist.

Transcription Services in a Nutshell

Following is a brief summary of what a transcription services company is, does, and can do for you. Use it to help you make your decision.

Millions of People Are Facing an Abrupt Collision With the Future

We are allowing ourselves to become obsolete! The future as described by Alvin Toffler in “Future Shock” and John Naisbet in “Megatrends” is upon us and most of us are not prepared. We have allowed ourselves to be taken in by the media, television, Hollywood, gaming companies, and others. We have done this to the point of sacrificing future by not being prepared.

Does Your Attitude Turn Off Employers?

One of the biggest challenges facing the newest generation of college grads hitting the workforce is their own spoiled snot-nosed sense of entitlement. Especially in a dwindling economy where things aren’t what they used to be, a lot of youngsters are facing a real reality check.

Delegation – How Nurses & CNAs Work As a Team

When work is delegated to you by a nurse, what does that really mean? Delegation is when a nurse entrusts the performance of a selected nursing task to someone who is qualified, competent and able to perform that task. In most cases, nurses must follow a five step delegation process. Keep reading to learn more about this process. And, remember…if you have an issue with any task that is delegated to you, it is your responsibility to speak up. Your client’s health may depend on it!

Travel Industry Jobs – Which Should You Choose?

If you have your heart set on a life in the travel sector, deciding which of the many possible travel industry jobs to go for can be confusing. There are so many areas that offer that buzz that only travelling can offer, and in this article we’ll look at some of the most popular ones and what is entailed in doing each of them.

6 Surefire Ways For CNAs & Nurses to Work As a Team

Teamwork is great, right? Chances are, everyone at your workplace would agree that client care improves when nurses and CNAs work together as a team. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge! How can everyone in the nursing field get along better? Communicating in an assertive manner balances the power between everyone on the nursing team. Here are six ways for nursing assistants and nurses to come across as assertive people.

Jobs in Archive Storage

When it comes to picking a career, people often fail to look outside of the box and instead take the easy option. In countries like Italy, it is much more common that you will follow in the footsteps of your family and inherit the family business.

CNAs and Nurses – Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Nurses and nursing assistants are all part of the same team and have the same goal: provide quality care to clients in need. So why is it that nurses and CNAs don’t always see eye to eye?

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