How Much Money Do Olympic Swimmers Make??

Telephone Etiquette For Overseas Jobs

While applying for overseas jobs, most of the employers prefer to take a screening call to check your suitability to their requirement. Always, have a pleasant tone and introduce yourself first and ask for the person whom you want to talk. If you start conversing without even knowing to whom you’re talking to, you will end up in a mess rather than building a rapport with the concerned person.

Finding Work in Canada

Finding work in Canada after attaining your permanent residency and immigration can be challenging and getting Canadian work experience is usually essential for new comers. To improve your chances of finding a relevant job, it is important to network with people in the same field as you, and with other Canadians from your country of origin.

You’re a Volunteer, Not Victim, of Your Horrible Career or Job Search

Have you ever gotten ticked off after reading something that really rang true even though you did not want to hear because it called you out on something that you were doing but would not admit to doing? Have your found yourself saying to friends, family, co-workers, contacts or anyone else that would listen that you are in a never-ending stall in your career or job search due to no fault of your own?

How Is Internship Beneficial For Your Prospective Career?

This write-up was aimed at providing useful insights about internship, its benefits to the student. It also gives information about how a student transits from an intern into an experienced professional.

9 Habits of Influential People Who Have Succeeded In The Construction, Engineering Industries

Influential people in the construction, engineering and environmental industries come from many diverse backgrounds, but share several common traits that have made them successful. While we notice the external signs of greatness, it is their inward attributes that make them the exceptional people they are.

The 5 Golden Rules for Successfully Gaining a Meaningful Internship

Many students fail to gain a meaningful Internship through lack of planning. This article explores the 5 golden rules of gaining an internship and considers everything from leveraging your time on a study tour through to leveraging your own personal network.

Handling the Office Snake

If you are working with a genuine saboteur, realize saboteurs normally attack individuals they believe are easy prey. Read here to find out your best defense against the office snake.

Mastering Criticism

Criticism. Even when you know you’re not perfect, it’s hard to hear negative feedback voiced out loud. On the other hand, criticism offers the potential for growth, insight and useful surprises. If you’d like to learn to better accept and benefit from criticism, try these strategies.

Plan for the Future and Do Not Depend On Your Job Alone

In order to build a secure future for ourselves, we need to take charge of our life and control the source of our income. We do not really need to make a visit to the bank and get a million dollar loan because there are many ways that one can earn an extra income for a small investment capital or almost nothing.

5 Tools to Transform Negative Beliefs That Are Toxic to Your Career

Getting a good job can be a lot of work and turning it into a long-term career can be even more challenging. Most people believe that making progress in a career requires hard work, dedication, commitment, the development of relevant skills, and perhaps a bit of good luck. While there are many reasons why a person can ultimately succeed or fail in their job there is another factor that can have a significant influence on performance and ultimately the potential realized, and that is the beliefs that a person holds about their abilities and capabilities. If a belief becomes negative and is maintained for an extended period of time, it can get in the way of progress – especially when someone begins to question their ability to perform well, sells their talents short, or allows self-talk that is derogatory in nature to continue.

Things Every Recruiter Must Know

If you’re contemplating to start a career or transform a career in the recruiting and staffing industry; the first basic requirement or skill that will come in your mind is that you must be well-versed in recruiting skills. But in spite of recruiting skills every recruiter should be conversant with some tricks to hunt professionals perfectly. Recruiting professionals need to realize that in order to keep themselves updated with today’s talent workforce, change is the necessity.

Unemployment: There Is No Such Thing As A Hopeless Situation!

Job Seekers, allowing unemployment to discourage you is understandable. But what you cannot do is allow the situation to make you lose hope altogether. No matter how dire things may seem, there is no reason to give up.

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