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6 Steps to Clear Thinking When You Decide to Change Jobs

There are several things to take into consideration when you decide to change jobs. Clear thinking is important to help you through this trying time.

The World Was Changing While I Was Gainfully Employed

Five years ago it was pretty simple to search for a job and not just because the economy was doing ok but because how to search for work was pretty simple and straightforward. Somewhere in the last five years things changed and looking for a job changed. Yes a poor economy has had an impact on how difficult it has been to find a job and hopefully in time the economy will rebound but there have been other changes in how to find a job that are here to stay and that will continue to impact the job searchers.

5 Ways to Keeping Your Job When Layoffs Are a Sure Thing

In this article I am going to share with you 5 ways to keeping your job when layoffs are a sure thing at your work place. If you follow these steps, you will increase your chances of not being laid off. Keep that in mind. Now, I know that there is no guarantee in anything but again, it may increase your chances of not being laid off.

Job Skills – Your New Training Could Be Closer Than You Think

Having the right job skills is critical to your success. When you take the time to figure out exactly what you want and need from your job, you’ll be much better able to make the most of your career skill building. Here are some great places to find career resources in your area.

Old Employers Calling!

Robert is an employee in a private firm for the past three years and part of many successes of the company. He got accolades for his performance and got recognition for his work.

Career Portfolios – What it is and How it Can Help Land Jobs

Ever wanted to know what a career portfolio is, and how it can help you in both career planning as well as landing your next job? This article explores the various components of a quality career portfolio, and describes how to get started making one today.

The Best Job For Mom

Many mothers at some point are faced with the dilemma of going to work or staying home with the kids. Some mothers unfortunately will not have a choice and will need to return to the workforce although their heart wants to be home.

Tour Guide – 5 Great Things About Life As a Tour Guide

A tour guide is one of the best jobs in the world. Listed here are 5 of the hundreds of reasons as to why this is true.

Party Promoter Secrets

Many people say that you must be an outgoing person if you want to be a party promoter. But it is only half true. In fact, you can still be a party promoter if you are an introverted person. Doing party promotion will naturally make you an outgoing person.

Tour Guide – 5 Bad Things About Working As a Tour Guide

Overall being a tour guide is the best job in the world. With a good group on a good trip there is no other work you would want to do. But there are a few things that can turn guiding a group into a terrible journey.

Interior Designers and Their Salary

There are two ways an interior designer gets their pay. One is by project and the other one is by salary. If an interior designer is working as a freelancer, his or her income will depend on every project accomplished.

5 Lessons From Nature – Surviving in a Changing World

We can learn many lessons from nature. How do animals adapt to changes in their circumstances. How do they react to natural disasters? What lessons can we learn which we can apply in our daily working lives?

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