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Career Change Over 40 – Your Personal Action Plan

When you have done all the preparation for making a career change over 40, it’s time to create your personal action plan. The purpose for this is to map out your route from where you are now to where you want to be.

Inter-viewing – Interview Success

There are no golden rules to ensure your success in an interview because that is largely dependent on your person. However the following points may account for a 100% probability in your interview being successful.

Geophysics For Environmental Consultants

Environmental Consults understanding how to utilize geophysical services will be in better positions getting the clients in the competitive environmental consulting industry. The environmental geophysics techniques include EM mapping, magnetics, ground penetrating radar, DC resistivity and seismic methods, etc. You don’t need to know the technical details, but you you need to know they are out there, and what they can do for you.

Understanding Consultancy During a Job Search

There are many factors to consider when searching for a job. The job market has become so competitive that most companies prefer to outsource the interview process to a third party, which will be responsible for the process of short listing and selecting new staff for the company. In short, companies do not mind outsourcing some company functions to a third party if they have the necessary qualifications and a demonstrable level of expertise. This is actually an example of a consulting function.

“Life is a Stage” – The Mindset of the Successfully Self Employed

This is a statement I have made many times over the years. For an easy example we look back to our days in the restaurant business….. We used this “Life Is A Stage” term as a teaching tool for the wait staff. Before every dinner we would have a meeting with the staff to go over the night’s plan.

Completing the Fire Service Application Form

The Fire Service Application Procedure is a precise process. The Fire service Application Form is the pivotal point where many people fail when applying to join the Fire Brigade of their choice. You get one chance to get the attention of the adjudicator so get it right the first time by being prepared and doing your homework before completing the Fire Service Application Form.

Just How Can I Be a Beta Game Tester?

In most people’s eyes, the thought of a beta game tester is someone that signs up for a chance to play a video game in the safety of their own home. The truth may be much different.

The Secret to Achieving All Your Heart Desires in Life and Business

The secret to achieving all your heart desires is this: Decide EXACTLY what you want out of life… and then resign yourself to the price of achieving that goal. Less than 5% of the population has taken the time to decide what they want to accomplish. Keep in mind you must be flexible and change your direction every once in a while.

Emotional Leadership

For all the thousands of dollars you spent on graduate school (are you still paying it back?), you probably graduated with no training in some of the most crucial skills for sustaining a design practice. And if you’re like many of your peers in the design profession, you don’t even know how those gaps in your education can sabotage your best efforts to get clients and keep them coming back for your services.

Before You Quit Your Job to Run Your Own Business, Be Prepared

A lot people dream about quitting their jobs to start their own businesses. The trouble is that some bravely take the plunge only to flounder in their new career as an entrepreneur. In this article, I will outline a few important things to consider before you make a switch from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur. Being prepared on these things could help you more effectively transition from working in a job to running your own profitable business.

Career Change Over 40 – Putting it All Together

Once you have gathered all of the information you need for your career change over 40, you need to sift through all of the data to make sense of it. To do this, get out all the notes you have made from your research, talking to contacts, and brainstorming your own interests, skills and dreams. To do this, go through each of the previous steps.

Healing From Job Loss in a Recession

It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job: it’s a depression when you lose yours – Harry S. Truman. How true…how do you heal of the humiliation and leprosy of losing cherished employment? It is so much easier to watch and analyze this when it pertains to others, and often we think we know how others feel but we do not. Instead, we perceive situations that do not directly affect as much lighter and magnify our own direct impressions.

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