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Dealing With Job Loss

In the current climate, the situation is extremely difficult in terms of work. Those who have jobs, often feel very fortunate to possess them, and are often desperate to cling on, as they already know the quantity of those unemployed usually rise by the week. The recession has taken a hold, and lots of firms have either downsized or completely collapsed.

Reinventing Your Career – 3 Tips to Help You Remember How You Show Up Matters

Showing up each day with a negative attitude can effect our chances of reaching our goals. This article discusses 3 ways to stay on track to meet these goals.

Finding Summer Internships For Practical Work Experience

Internships are the ideal way for a student to gain work experience and develop contacts within a particular job or industry. Finding summer internships when in high school is not difficult, but the student needs to know where to look. It is important to do some research and start inquiring well before spring, in order to secure the position before school ends.

Researching Canadian Police Investigation Techniques

Investigations play a key role in law enforcement. With the proper Law Enforcement Foundation training and by knowing the rules of investigation, one can be prepared for a future career in this field.

Your Must-Know Guide to Becoming a Dental Assistant

Would you like a job in a growing field that does not require a lot of schooling? If so then a job as a dental assistant might be just what you are looking for.

The Pharmaceutical Industry is Seeking Skilled Pharmacy Techs

Due to the constant emergence of new drugs on the market, pharmacy technicians have to keep abreast of them. They also have to know about the laws which dictate their industry as well as insurance procedures and policies.

The Complete Guide to a Career As a Dental Assistant

A dental assistant has many duties that they are responsible for performing in the dentist’s office. Their responsibilities include everything from caring for patients to taking care of daily office duties.

Lunch Interviewing Advice

Lunch interviews are becoming an increasingly popular recruiting method. Some interviewers are so busy that meeting you for lunch is the only way to fit it in their schedule. It also allows them assess your business credentials, while observing your table manners, social skills, and ability to mix business with pleasure. The lunch interview may also be a test if the job you are seeking requires a lot of “working lunches” and meetings, or face-to-face interaction with clients.

How to Not Dread the Feeling of Going to Work Everyday

You dread going to work. Every morning you drag yourself out of bed. It is not that the body is weak but the mind is not willing. Most of us know the feeling of dreading to go to work. If not for a long period of time, at least at some point of your career you would have felt that way.

Advice on How to Deal With the Monday Blues

It is going to be the start of another work week and you are already dragging your feet. How you deal with Monday Blues?

How to Be a Food Critic

A critic can write well and know what ingredients are best to use for foods. Your writing depends on being a good food critic and not your knowledge on food.

Tips For Becoming a Video Game Tester

Are you a gamer with a keen eye for details? Do you think video game testing might be the right career for you? If so, there are a few simple tips to keep in mind that will help you secure your first video game testing job.

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