Jobs Galore In The Nursing Home Sector
This article shows just how many different jobs are available in the nursing home sector. It details several positions, none of which involve actual nursing.
6 Incredible Best Resume HacksWhat’s the secret to having the best resume out there? What does it take to differentiate yours as the best resume around from the countless masses? Attaching a hundred dollar bill seems to be the obvious answer. Offering up a little money on the side is a sure way to grease your way to a surefire job, it may even be the best resume available. However, in this day and age, who has spare Benjamins lying around their crib? Surely those seeking jobs don’t. Instead, consider this list of six potent hacks for crafting the best resume. Each hack, working in tandem, may be that irresistible force to help budge the immovable object of picky employers.
Career Tip: Work to Put Yourself Out of Your JobOK. I admit that the title might be a bit confusing – why the heck would you want to put yourself out of a job? What kind of “career tip” is that? In fact, it is one I believe strongly in, and when I look back over my own career I realize that this was pretty much my strategy throughout my whole working life in the corporate world… let me explain…
Interview Like The FBIIn July 2003, the United States Army located Qusay and Uday Hussein. Upon finding the two, a 3 hour battle ensued between our troops and the two sons of the infamous Saddam Hussein, otherwise tagged by our military as the Ace of Spades.
Choosing Red Cross CNA ClassesRed Cross nursing assistant training contains both practical experience and classroom experience. It prepares you to take the state examinations and receive your certification.
Nursing Assistant in Child CareThe advantage of being a nursing assistant when doing child care is the many skills you have been taught during your training. There is always a possibility that a prospective employer will appreciate the fact that the potential employee has made the effort to further their education and thus their ability to take care of their child.
MBA Graduates: Career OpportunitiesThere are many works that do not require an MBA. Accountants, engineers, politicians, salesmen, and many other well-paid positions offer an opportunity to work without a degree. However, there are several career opportunities that require a much higher level of education – a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA).
The Different Career Paths of a PharmacistThe health profession is a diverse, lucrative, and stable career choice, particularly in this current economic climate. One such health profession that is growing in demand is the Pharmacist. Pharmacists are traditionally thought of as the people who stand behind the counter at a retail pharmacy store and fill patients’ prescriptions. However, this is no longer the case as there are a number of different career paths available for those considering a career as a pharmacist.
5 Ways of Making People Want to Do Business With YouIn every sales situation, be it selling yourself or for your company, the one that wins is the salesmen that shows the most enthusiasm, that has the most energy, that makes buying interesting and fun and has the ability to provide value. People buy based on emotions All of us wish we could make buying decisions rationally but it is always an emotional decision. What happens is that we decide to buy and then try to come up with as many rational reasons that we can.
Job Seekers Wonder What Is A Merchandiser?People may see job listings for merchandisers on career websites or in help wanted ads. This may cause them to ask what is a merchandiser? There are several types of merchandisers, but usually they work in a retail store setting and represent a vendor, manufacturer or company.
How Do You Choose the Right Career?I know what you want! It is the career that pays the most, where you have fun and don’t work too hard. Are there careers like that?
Leadership Lessons: What Is That Big Word Wisdom?Every leadership development program on the planet should have a module to discuss the difference between knowledge and wisdom. It conjures up elders with smiles of knowing, or leaders being interviewed about their vast success in life and work. Yet, think about it, what is the goal of wisdom?