How Much Does Travel Ruby Make on YouTube

Become a Top Wedding Planner – 8 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Wedding Planning Certification

You don’t need to be certified to become a professional wedding planner. However, if you want to take a wedding planning certification course, there are questions you should ask before you invest your time and money.

Best Way to Be a Good Employee

Numerous of us will have our first jobs when we are 15. For numerous of us this part time job will be at a kind of fast food restaurant. We are so glad to be making our own money that we will do everything that we are needed.

A Virtual Assistant in the Real World

Technology has allowed businesses to take on different shapes and forms. Particularly, with the advancements in communications, more and more business opportunities become available to those who are literate in the world of technology. One such opportunity is the chance at becoming a Virtual Assistant.

How to Negotiate a Raise

Receiving a raise (or not getting one) is one of the biggest moments of the year for most employees. Most employees feel that they are getting paid less than they deserve or are working too long and hard for the compensation they receive.

Office Gossip – Don’t Go There

Gathering around the water cooler is a ritual of the office workplace. Talking about last night’s big game or where to go for lunch is perfectly acceptable, gossiping about co-workers with other coworkers is a big no-no. However, gossiping and negative chatter is usually an inevitable part of the workplace – yet still an activity you should avoid. Not only does gossiping cut into employee productivity, gossiping about others on staff can come back and bite you in the behind.

Opportunities With Wells Fargo Careers

There are so many career opportunities with Wells Fargo Careers. If you are looking for great career opportunities with a reputable institution, this reputable bank is looking for more people to join their family.

Change is the New Normal, and Exceptional Leaders Meet Life As it Is

In every arena of life, it seems, as soon as we master a new process or way of being in the world we find ourselves confronted with demands for further change. In the work environment this can be especially frustrating, because we often lack information and may not be in control of changes that are imposed upon us. One way to mitigate frustration is by making change the norm, and stability the exception.

5 Stupid Mistakes Job Applicants Make

Finding employment is important to most of us. So why would anyone make the mistake of not following basic, common sense when it comes to job seeking?

Gain Experience Through an Environmental Internship

For anyone looking to obtain experience in a green career, consider participating in an environmental internship to build up your resume. Environmental internships prove to be helpful for students still enrolled in college to the seasoned worker looking to transition to a different career. Many careers in the green field require experts with degrees in chemistry, engineering, biology, and other related disciplines.

I Am My Boss

Being your own boss is the dream of many individuals. The person who dares to undertake and operate a new business and is responsible for all the risks is known as an entrepreneur. The founders of these businesses all have something in common. It is initiative to accomplish something that was at one time, simply a dream or an idea and turning it into a business.

These Are the Days of Our Lives in Global Economics

The question is no longer are we in recession, but what are we going to do in the recession. The economic crisis in the global community has the impact in each country of sending many business owners to the brink of ruin. The businesses that survive and the entrepreneurs that have approached this market with innovative ideas and determination to succeed are making this down turn in economics a lesson in the power of positive thinking.

Old Cowboy Hat For Protection

Cowboys have very difficult work to do. Well, taking care of hundreds of cattle is not that easy. They have to stay under the heat of the sun to do their job properly and because of this they deserve to have what is called the old cowboy hat.

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